Tag: Kaizen Event

Read What This Hospital CEO Says on His Blog About Lean...

Hospital CEOs are busy people, to say the least, but a big part of their leadership role includes communication with employees, physicians, and the...

Just Do It? Don’t Forget to Then Just Study It and...

I had a great conversation with my fellow Lean healthcare blogger, Brian Buck, the other day. We talk about once a month or so......

Day 2 Notes: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014

Today is the second and final day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag#HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from...

Article about Lean in Two Sioux Falls Health Systems

I recently saw an article about Avera Medical Group and Sanford Clinic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota: "Health systems learn to be lean." Avera McKennan...

Kaizen Tip: Just Do Its and Root Causes

In the Kaizen process, we ask everybody to identify problems (or opportunities) and then to write down an idea that could potentially solve the...

Digital Pathology Software Company PathXL on Their Journey to Becoming a...

Mark's Note: Today's post is a guest post by Nial Toner, who works for PathXL in the UK. I thought this was an interesting...

SF General Adopts Lean, Faces a Big Test with a “Never...

They just started a year ago (better late than never?), but San Francisco General Hospital had its Lean efforts highlighted in the San Francisco...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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