Tag: KaiNexus
Presentation About Kaizen and KaiNexus From 2013 [Video]
Recently, I stumbled across some video of me and Dr. Greg Jacobson giving a talk at a health system. I think it's from 2013. So, I'm sharing this as a "Throwback Thursday."
KaiNexus software has changed and evolved a lot in five years as the company has grown. Kaizen, or continuous improvement, principles and practices are timeless.
From Pets to Vets: Applying Lean in Unexpected Places [Podcast Preview...
I played host for a recent webinar that we're hosting on Monday, May 7, featuring a presentation by my friend Chip Ponsford, III, DVM (pictured at left), a veterinarian who has become quite a strong Lean advocate in recent years.
We've taught Lean together at a Veterinary Medicine conference (as I blogged about here) and I've been collaborating with Chip on his LeanVets.com blog.
[April Fool] Special Announcement: Our New @KaiNexus Suggestion Box Builds on...
As a senior advisor to KaiNexus and somebody who has been a member of the team since 2011, it's been amazing to see how...
#TBT: #Lean & #Baldrige at Mary Greeley Medical Center; Upcoming Webinar...
I'm really happy to be playing the role of host for this free webinar that's being presented next Friday, March 30th:
Engaging Leaders and the Baldrige Framework to Advance Excellence
A Look into the Extraordinary Work at Mary Greeley Medical Center
The webinar is being presented by Karen Kiel-Rosser and Ron Smith from Mary Greeley Medical Center.
If you can't attend the live session, we'll send you the recording if you register.
The throwback component of this post is a look back at a podcast that I did with Karen three years ago this month:
Updates from Japan; Other Articles & An A3 Deep Dive Webinar
Konnichiwa from Japan! I am having a great time with my friends from Kaizen Institute and our tour attendees. I wrote a post on Monday, but I never expect to be able to write much while here because it's very busy and I also want to reflect a bit before writing.
In this post, I share two articles I wrote recently and some other tidbits...
How a Lean Adoption Strategy for Public Schools Applies to Everyone
I'm happy to be playing the role of host and moderator next Monday for a webinar that will be presented by Harry Kenworthy titled:
How a Lean Adoption Strategy for Public Schools Applies to Everyone
The webinar is presented by KaiNexus. I think it's a webinar that, like the last one he did for us, will have lessons for people from any industry or setting.
Free Webinar: How to Use A3 Thinking in Everyday Life
This Thursday, we'll be hosting a webinar presented by a former Toyota engineer, Jess Orr. She will be sharing lessons learned at Toyota about the A3 problem-solving methodology, referred to there as "Toyota Business Practices." In particular, Jess will be sharing a case study about using the A3 approach to improving communication.
“What would you say… you do here?” — 2018 Edition
I often get asked a question along the lines of "So, what exactly do you do?" Today, I give some updates about my various projects and partnerships, including continuing with KaiNexus (with a different title) and a new partnership with Value Capture.
What We’re Looking Forward to Learning at the Toyota Plant Tour
Tomorrow, with the entire KaiNexus team, I'm going to visit the Toyota truck plant in San Antonio, the plant referred TMMTX. The 15 of us will be there in closed toed shoes and all other required clothing to learn about the Toyota Production System, Kaizen (continuous improvement), and Lean.
I've blogged about it on the KaiNexus blog. I asked the KaiNexus team to say a little bit about what they hope to learn in the visit and you can read their comments it here.
In this post, I share a 24-minute tour preview webinar that I put together, links to past tour blog posts, and more.
Visualizing Metrics & Managing Improvement Properly: Webinar Registration Numbers
When managing a process and looking at results, the type of chart we use matters. The way we react to the chart matters too. In this blog post, I explore two different types of charts and explain why I like the "process behavior chart" format better.
A Powerful Message from Toyota’s President, Akio Toyoda: No Best, Only...
In today's post, I share and write about this message from Akio Toyoda that was posted online:
“Making Ever-better Cars and Human Resource Development: The Forces That Power Sustainable Growth“
#Lean Learning Opportunities: Webinars, Workshops, Conferences, and Online Courses
In this post, I share links and information about two upcoming free webinars that I'm hosting this month, some 2018 workshops I'm doing again on better managing metrics, next year's Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, and some online education about "Healthcare Kaizen" that I have opened up for public registration. Please check out all of the links, resources, and information...