Tag: KaiNexus

How to Get Buy In for Improvement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRTvKRUN5X0 Presented by Mark Graban and Dr. Greg Jacobson on February 16, 2016 In this webinar, you will learn: Reasons why people don't "buy in" to...

Some of My Recent KaiNexus Blog Posts: Toyota vs. Google, Kaizen,...

In addition to my blogging here, I write occasionally for our blog over at KaiNexus.com, where we have multiple contributors. I also do monthly webinars and the...

Throwback Thursday: Various Posts from February 4th, Across 11 Years

My blog turned 11 years old last month. Thanks to everyone for reading! I looked back, as a Throwback Thursday, and found a number of really good posts that were published on this date...

HBR Article on Avoiding the Futility of Suggestion Systems

Burris has a new article on the Harvard Business Review website: “Employee Suggestion Schemes Don’t Have to Be Exercises in Futility” In my own work and travels, it’s hard to find anybody who has good things to say about suggestion boxes...

Never Tell a Person What to Do… So, Here’s What You...

At KaiNexus, we love our customers and we're constantly impressed by what they're saying and, more importantly,what they're doing and accomplishing. We recently published a...

Recording: Free Webinar with Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

On Tuesday, I hosted, via KaiNexus, a webinar with Jon Miller on the important topic of "Practical Problem Solving," a structured 8-step method for...

My Post for @KaiNexus: Webinar Highlights from @MaryGreeley Medical Center

Yesterday, I had a post published over on the KaiNexus blog: Webinar Highlights: See How These Two Elements Spread Improvement I shared some highlights from an...

Lean Leadership and Progress at Mary Greeley Medical Center [Webinar Recording]

Free webinar tomorrow... One of our customers that has made great strides with daily continuous improvement throughout their hospital in the past year is Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC) in Ames, Iowa...

Ask Us Anything! Archive Page – Chats with Mark Graban &...

This page contains the different "Ask Us Anything!" sessions we’ve done and are continuing to do....

Throwback Thursday: Why Do We Need to Ask Patients to be...

Here's a "Throwback Thursday" post from this date back in 2008. The post is titled, "Why Do Hospitals Have to Rely on Vigilant Patients and Families?" I think it's still an important and relevant post, here in 2015. Why do we ask patients and families to be vigilant and inspect the work being done...

Can You Even Consider Kaizen When the Chart Showing Time and...

In th KaiNexus webinar that I did with Dr. Greg Jacobson earlier this week ("Making Time for For Continuous Improvement" - view the recording), I...

Franciscan Kaizen Video #8: A Hospital Manager Makes Time for Kaizen

It's been a little while, but here's a new video about Kaizen and continuous improvement from our friends at Franciscan St. Francis Health in...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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