Tag: Iowa

"Iowa is a Manufacturing State"

DesMoinesRegister.com Interesting to see that Iowa's manufacturing economy is six times bigger than agriculture. It's good for people to recognize that manufacturing is important,...

Iowa manufacturing can survive: Lean manufacturing just one tool to guarantee...

DesMoinesRegister.comMore discussion about the future of Iowa manufacturing, with a focus on lean. Iowa has been hurt with recent news about Maytag, among other...

Town Fears Being Hung Out to Dry By Maytag Sale

WSJ.com - (subscription required) | A free link here (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)The gist of this article is that Maytag Appliance...

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Forbes.com Some stories here about the impact of lean manufacturing on two companies in Pella, Iowa. The article says, "Highly productive workers are keeping...

Lean Training through Iowa Community Colleges

The Waterloo Cedar-Falls Courier Online!Here's a nice example of some community lean training. The wider we can spread these ideas, the stronger our...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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