Tag: Inventory

Exec from Seattle Children’s on Lean Healthcare in the Washington Post

Patrick Hagan: Waste Not, Want Not: The Key to Reducing Costs - washingtonpost.comHere is an outstanding piece from the President & Chief Operating Officer...

USA Today Features Lean in Hospitals

Hospital CEOs manage staff time, inventory to cut costs - USATODAY.com It's nice to see a major publication covering Lean and, especially, Lean in healthcare....

Airbus "Violated Key Tenet of Lean"?

Airbus Aims to Pull Back Without Stalling - WSJ.com:This recent article about Airbus talks about facing a challenge of declining airplane orders.Airbus said Friday...

Sunday Brunch Thoughts

So it's Sunday morning, I have a cup of coffee at the ready... nice quiet, peaceful, sunny Sunday morning (you can tell we don't...

Just an Emergency

SHIPPING, SHIPBUILDING AND OFFSHORE NEWSToyota's overproduction and inventory emergency (thanks to Jason for the tip): Toyota is currently renting a ship in the Swedish...

Soup Analyst Doesn’t Understand Just-In-Time

Campbell Soup Cools as Grocers Cut Stocks - WSJ.com: Saw an article yesterday about Campbell Soup sales falling because retailers, including Wal-Mart were being more...

Of Course Inventories are Swelling in Long, Slow Supply Chains

Firms Race To Regain Control Over Inventories - WSJ.comWith the dramatically slowing global economy, it's no surprise that companies and supply chains are getting...

Shortening up the Value Stream

On this blog, there have been several discussions and posts about jobs going overseas, not so much from a protectionist and politics standpoint, but...

Lean or LAME at Boeing?

By Andrew Wagner: My wife, the resident space geek, turned me in the direction of this Boeing Press Release on their new lean "pulse line"...

Another Uniform Inventory Story

For now, Chad Johnson can't wear Ocho Cinco Remember this story from last year? Another year, another NFL receiver, another Reebok "waste of inventory" story. "He's...

Using Lean in Car Manufacturing to Cut the CO2 Footprint

By Jason Turgeon:Edie.net, which bills itself as "Europe's largest environmental website," for what it's worth, has a good article today on something it's calling...

Want a Buy a Cheap Joe Biden ’08 Hat?

As Candidates Quit, Trinkets Pile Up (Free CareerJournal.com article) Here's an amusing article from the WSJ... sort of old news now, but also a story...
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