Tag: Incentives

The Pitfalls of Safety Bonuses in Lean Factories: A True Story

I was talking recently with a trusted friend in the Lean community. He told me a story. It's certainly believable, even if it's second...

The Perils of Incentive Clauses in College Football: A Case Study...

tl;dr: This blog post analyzes the unusual incentive clause in the contract of Iowa football's offensive coordinator, Brian Ferentz, which mandates a minimum average...

Dolphins Are Also Smart Enough to Game the System to Get...

Oh, how I enjoyed this article a month ago when it was sent to me. It's from 2003, but it was new to me: Why...

You Get What You Incentivize? NBA Player Bonus Edition, Maurice Harkless

If you don't care about sports or statistical process analysis, this isn't the post for you... but it was interesting for me to try to wrap my head around the data behind a headline ("Blazers player secures $500,000 bonus by not taking 3-pointer in final game of the season") that I'll write about here in this post.

Measures, Incentives, Heart Attack Mortality, Driving Safety, and Statistical Thinking

In this post, I look at the impact (or lack thereof) of targets, rankings, and incentives, when it comes to safe driving or PCI (angioplasty) procedures in a hospital cath lab. Are we improving? How do we know? How do we improve?

Human Nature Around Incentives & Rewards… Even in North Korea?

Dr. W. Edwards Deming used to warn against replacing intrinsic motivation with extrinsic rewards and incentives. Brian Joiner (author of Fourth Generation Management), who worked...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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