Tag: Improvement

The One Word I Kept Hearing at Wineries in Spain and...

I'll get right to it. The word: "Experiment." Well, I also heard "experiments" and "experimenting," but you get the idea. As I've blogged about before, my wife...

Imitation as a Path to Innovation — If You Know What...

At the recent Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, there were thought provoking presentations... and we had many discussions about the role of incremental improvement vs. redesign or transformation. And, lots of discussions about imitating vs. innovating... so I explore those themes in this post.

Thoughts on “Good” vs. “Better” from My College Marching Band Director,...

What are the parallels between the mindsets and approach of a world-class university band director and our mindsets in Lean, Kaizen, and continuous improvement, in healthcare or beyond?

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 2: Problem Solving & Standardization

Yesterday, I wrote Part 1 of this post on the Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model. Part 1 covered the left hand half of the model, with...

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 1: Alignment & Visual Management

Back in November, I had a chance to meet Nate Hurle, from Cleveland Clinic, as he was giving a presentation about their work with...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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