Tag: Healthcare

Operating on the wrong body part

Serious errors by doctor, nurse reported at St. Mary's Medical CenterThis kind of article is published far too often, but this statistic is alarming:"Doctors...

Level Loaded Heart Attacks?

Doctor's Advice: Have Your Heart Attack During Normal Business Hours Now this is sad, maybe it's not surprising. A study has shown that a...

Poor hospital processes may have killed man

MercuryNews.com | 11/02/2005 | Medical mistake may have killed manIt is really sad when errors like this occur, it happens far too often in...

"Stop Rising Healthcare Costs Using Toyota Lean Production Methods"

ASQA new book discusses the applications of lean manufacturing to healthcare.Please check out my main blog page at www.leanblog.org The RSS feed content you are...

Lean Healthcare Article in Harvard Business Review

Fixing Healthcare From The Inside, Today Available through HBS... this is written by Steven J. Spear, a former Harvard professor who has written about Toyota...

TDO Working on Lean Initiative for Health-Care Sector

Press Release:Here is a nice summary of some lean healthcare/hospital efforts under way in New York:"The hospitals applied lean principles in numerous areas, he...

The State of Lean Healthcare: Critical Mass is Building

Kaizen and Lean Manufacturing thoughts | Gemba Panta Rei The blog at gemba.com is always very thoughtfully done. This links to a writeup they...

An Interview with a Lean Hospital COO

RedNova News - Health - Q & A With Matthew FurlanThe subject of this article apparently received some top-notch lean training from Shingijitsu and...

Healthcare Professionals Learning How to Use Value-Stream Mapping

Lean Enterprise Institute This is a press release/ad from the LEI. It's interesting to see how these tools and concepts are being adopted in...

Update on Duke Medical Mistake Case

Eyewitness News 11.com: Duke Awaits Analysis in Instrument Probe:It's lean healthcare day on the blog, I guess. This is an update to a...

Toyota’s efficiencies can benefit American health care

David K. Wessner, President and chief executive officer of Park Nicollet Health Services.Here is a column from the leader of a Minnesota non-profit hospital,...

Waste watchers learning the lean routine in clinical laboratories

College of American Pathologists: It's much more fun to think about what could be (lean healthcare) than what was (GM's dominance in the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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