Tag: Healthcare
Reading “Hardwiring Excellence” by Quint Studer
Hardwiring Excellence by Quint Studer
As I continue my journey in lean healthcare, I'm enjoying the chance to learn about the cultures of healthcare organizations....
Doctor Suspended For THIRD Wrong Surgery
theledger.comTalk about not learning from your mistakes. There are so many simple ways of error proofing surgery, including having procedures in place to...
Pharmacy Error Proofing Example
Here is a great example of error proofing that I've never seen before. It's springtime, so my allergies have been killing me, especially...
Early Risers in Healthcare!
I always thought manufacturing people were early risers. In my last manufacturing job, the factory started production at 5 AM and I started most...
We’re ALL Done With Batching?
I'm watching a web presentation on improving patient flow from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). I'm doing lean healthcare work now and...
Lean Healthcare: Park Nicollet Again
kare11.com :: KARE 11 TV - Auto concept drives Park Nicollet strategyIn the news once again, Park Nicollet Hospital in Minnesota is getting media...
Lean Healthcare: Park Nicollet Hospital
kare11.com :: KARE 11 TV - Auto concept drives Park Nicollet strategyHere's a nice article about a hospital that is getting recognition within the...
Lean Healthcare: Another ThedaCare Article
Appleton Post-Crescent - Finding a better wayAnother article on a hospital organization that has been working on lean transformation. An earlier article is...
Lean Healthcare: Thedacare
According to this article (link has been misplaced), ThedaCare has been modeling the Toyota Production System to implement lean for the last 2 years....
Lean Healthcare: Keys to Safer Hospitals
Keys to Safer Hospitals - Health For Life - MSNBC.comBlog reader Mike R. Lopez, from Albuquerque, NM found this and sent it my way...
Lean Healthcare: Protecting Yourself in the Hospital
USATODAY.com - Your healthYou have to scroll down to see this on USA Today's site, so here's the whole article with my commentary. ...
Lean for Factories, Lean for Hospitals
Local manufacturer touts lean procedures - 2005-12-01Here's an article from Charlotte NC that mentions lean success stories in a factory and a local hospital....