Tag: Healthcare
Open Source Public Health Software through Lean Methods
Collaborative Software InitiativeThe link above is a project that might be interesting to those of you working in "Lean Software"... or those who afraid...
Fire Fighting vs. Root Cause Problem Solving
Below is some of the text from edition #3 of the newsletter from my upcoming book Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee...
"Just In Time Patients??"
Medical Leave -- Offshore Medicine -- Fast CompanyInteresting read here in the latest issue of Fast Company about a hospital in Thailand and...
Nursing Shortage Easing?
Slowdown's Side Effect: More Nurses - WSJ.com:Not a Lean article, but a major issue for hospitals is a shortage of nurses. With the economy...
The Power of Asking "Why?"
reportonbusiness.com: Asking 'why' again and again is harder than you think, but it works
It's kind of neat to see a column about the "5...
"Loving Lean" is Way Better Than "Lean and Mean"
Health Care: Loving Lean -- Seattle Business MonthlyIt's so nice to see a Lean overview article, yet alone Lean healthcare, that doesn't use the...
Paying for Hospital Activity
B.C. considers radical shift in hospital funding, based on patients treatedThis is something that I just recently learned about the Canadian health system --...
The Shift from Factories to Hospitals
Factories Fading, Hospitals Step In - WSJIt's inevitable -- as manufacturing jobs decline and our population ages, more people will shift from manufacturing jobs...
Problems at JPS Hospital, Part 2
Star-Telegram.com: | 04/28/2008 | Trapped in a waiting game at JPSUpdate: For those who didn't catch the update to Monday's post, it was announced...
Error Proofing Vs. “Be Careful” – Which is More Effective?
Why do you need a "be careful" warning message when you've already error proofed something? For liability's sake?
I am going to be flying back...
Updated: Problems at JPS Hospital, Part 1
Update 5/1/08: The CEO is being forced out, "retiring" in SeptemberStar-Telegram.com: | 04/27/2008 | JPS patients get shortchanged as cash surpluses keep growingSecondary article...
Trouble in a Fort Worth Hospital
JPS patients get shortchanged as cash surpluses keep growingThis linked article is a preview of what I'll be blogging about next. I'm trying an...