Tag: Healthcare

A Pharmacy Transformation and Lean Concepts

Pharmacy transformed at Women and Children's Hospital Here is a story about a Buffalo hospital that designed a new pharmacy space. The article doesn't mention...

5S for Therapeutic Use

Running a hospital: Surprising use of LeanPaul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, is a blogger and advocate for Lean...

Lean in a Canadian Emergency Department

Hospital News: Markham Stouffville Hospital makes 50 improvements to the emergency departmentHere's a news story that describes the beginning of a Lean journey in...

LeanBlog Podcast #50 – Your Guest, Mark Graban – Celebrating 50...

To celebrate the 50th LeanBlog Podcast, the tables are turned. Guest host Jamie Flinchbaugh chats with me, Mark Graban, about the history of my...

Be Careful with Copying

I got into the middle of this discussion on the Healthcare Management Engineers (HME) group on Yahoo.A question was posed:We're in the process of...

Speaking Engagements for the Fall

I'm happy to announce that I will be speaking at a few events and forums this fall. The firm I work for will also...

Joint Commission to Investigate Use of Lean & Six Sigma

Modern Healthcare Online ($$) | Fierce Healthcare (free)For those not in healthcare, the Joint Commission is a non-profit hospital accreditation organization. You might remember...

"Lean Building Techniques" for a Hospital?

SignOnSanDiego.com -- Skeptical councilmen now brag about hospital plansFrom the article about a planned hospital:The district hopes to reduce the figure to $983 million...

Lean Overview Article in “The Hospitalist”

The Lean Hospital The Hospitalist is a publication for physicians who practice "hospital medicine." I had a chance to be interviewed for what turned out...

Mark on the "Better Process" Podcast

PodcasterNews - Better Process Podcast - Industry Report Mark Graban LeanHospitalsBook.comOK, this is turning into a highly promotional week for my book, hope that's...

Mark on the "Competing Podcast"

Lean Thinking Network | Competing Podcast » Archive » Competing Mark GrabanThanks to Dwight Bowen for having me as a guest on...

A Powerful Message on Lean and Healthcare

Why I Work In Healthcare | DailyKaizenHere's a great one to end the day on... Lee Fried has a powerful post over on the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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