Tag: Healthcare
Lean is Not Sustainable, Except When It Is
What top-performing EDs do - Hospitals & Health Networks
I was really, Really, REALLY puzzled by the first line in this article, that read:
"Lean, Six...
LeanBlog Podcast #72 – Dr. John Toussaint, Lean & Healthcare Reform
Our returning guest is John S. Toussaint, MD, the CEO emeritus of ThedaCare, and CEO of the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value. In the...
Modern Healthcare Podcast with Hospital Execs
Ill. hospital execs find savings in Lean methodologies - Modern HealthcareIt's nice to see Modern Healthcare is doing some podcasts, or at least I...
"Dead by Mistake" Report Hits the News
As I had alluded to the other day, there was a huge investigative piece that ran across the country Sunday in the Hearst Newspapers....
Behind the Numbers: A Startling Look at Healthcare Quality, Patient Safety,...
In this post, Mark compiles a range of eye-opening statistics about healthcare quality, patient safety, and medical errors. Acting as a repository of data,...
Enhancing Patient Care with Lean Principles: The Chugachmiut Story in Alaska...
LeanBlog Podcast Episode #71 is part two of a conversation with Patrick Anderson, the Executive Director of Chugachmiut, the Tribal consortium created to promote...
BREAKING: Big Expose Coming on Medical Errors and Deaths
Hearst Press Release August 09, 2009This will be developing over the next few days. The Hearst newspaper chain has done a huge expose of...
CNN Video on Lean Methods and Infection Control
Health care's infectious loss - Video - Business News
Short post for today - but an important one. Here's a great video from CNN last...
Podcast Tables Turned on Mark
In my Podcasts, I normally let me guests do most of the talking. But I was invited by Joe Dager, of the Business901 Podcasts,...
University of Michigan Health System and Lean
University of Michigan looks to lean principles for system-wide improvements - MLive.comHere is some positive news coming out of my home state of Michigan......
What is Group Health Doing about Waste in Healthcare? A Lot!
2008 Annual Report: Reducing Waste
I had a great visit with Group Health in Seattle on Monday, they are doing some great work with Lean...
Swarming for Improvement
As we study the processes we use to do our work, we see opportunities that we may not have even considered before we learned...