Tag: Healthcare

Lean Healthcare Intro Workshop Dec 2-3 @ LEI

Key Concepts of Lean in HealthcareBlatant self-promotion time: I will be teaching this workshop for the second time (after the Philly debut last month)...

Mike Hoseus Webinar on Toyota Culture

Industry Week Webinar - To RegisterTechnical note: I've been having some problems where "leanblog.org" gives a "404 not found" error, but "www.leanblog.org" works just...

Wachter is Right: Patient Safety is Not the Patient’s Job

Wachter's World: Can Patients Help Ensure Their Own Safety? More Importantly, Why Should They Have To? The whole subject of asking patients and families to...

Pittsburgh Area Hospital Transforms its E.D. with Lean

Toyota model transforms St. Clair Hospital ER - Manufacturing principles meet medical careHere's a nice overview of a Pittsburgh area hospital's Lean efforts in...

Like Lean: Solving Health Care Problems By Design

Solving Health Care Problems By Design : NPRThanks to Andrew B. for passing this along - audio and web text from NPR with some...

Lean Methods for Aerospace and Healthcare in Ontario

Article - How Toyota builds carsHere's an article from Canada about how Toyota (an automaker) manages to be influential to Bombardier (maker of planes)...

LeanBlog Podcast #76 – Dr. David Jaques, Lean in Surgical Services

Episode #76 is a discussion with Dr. David Jaques, VP of Surgical Services at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. In this podcast, Dr. Jaques...

Exec from Seattle Children’s on Lean Healthcare in the Washington Post

Patrick Hagan: Waste Not, Want Not: The Key to Reducing Costs - washingtonpost.comHere is an outstanding piece from the President & Chief Operating Officer...

RN Doesn’t Follow Standardized Work, Exposes Patients to Risk of Disease

Broward General nurse possibly exposed patients to risk - South Florida - MiamiHerald.com Story and nurse discussion here A number of you (thanks!) sent me this...

“No Blame” Doesn’t Mean “No Accountability”

Wachter's World : Physician Accountability for Violation of Safety Rules: The Time For Excuses Has Passed I think Bob Wachter has it completely right in...

Lean at Windsor’s Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital

Here is a video from Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital (HDGH) in Windsor, Ontario Canada about their Lean effort, the video is part of their main...

I Guess These Couples Should Worry – We Need Lean, not...

Embryo mix-up worries couples | detnews.com | The Detroit News I've seen a lot of news stories about couples who suffer through errors caused by...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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