Tag: Healthcare

NY Times on Standardization, Deming, and Lean Principles in Healthcare

If Health Care Is Going to Change, Dr. Brent James's Ideas Will Change It - NYTimes.com About 10 people sent me this article via the...

Guest Post: My Transition to Health Care

By Dale Hershfield:I am fortunate to have recently transitioned into health care from outside the sector. As someone with lean and performance improvement...

Guest Post: Emergency Blood Product Release: Using the “6-3” to Work...

Many thanks to the staff of Barnes-Jewish Hospital for providing this for publication. You might also be interested in my podcast with Dr. David...

LeanBlog Podcast #78 – Sorrel King, Improving Patient Safety

Episode #78 brings a very special guest, Sorrel King, to talk about systems, communication, and patient safety. Sorrel's 18-month old daughter, Josie, was the...

Leanies of the World, Unite!

Will the Real Lean Production Please Stand Up? | Labor Notes Yesterday, I blogged about how a nurses' union in Canada was supporting the province's...

A Nurses Union in Canada Supports Lean

telegraphjournal.com - Lean process, big results I'll write more on this topic of unions and Lean tomorrow, but I wanted to share this story from...

Toyota article from 1997 – the “Soul” of TPS that’s hard...

How Toyota Defies Gravity In doing some research for an upcoming presentation, I found this FORTUNE article from 1997. I was looking for a reference...

Womack & Jones at the Gemba: “Spread” and Innovation

Womack and Jones video on spread - Blog - ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value From John Toussaint's blog, this video starts with a question about...

Reducing Interruptions – And Improving Patient Safety

by Dan Markovitz Long-time readers of this blog (and my own) know that I focus on bringing lean techniques to individual work habits. One topic...

Quote from Seth Godin on the Scientific Method

This was in Inc. magazine, a quote from a favorite of mine, Seth Godin (click on the graphic for a larger, easier to read...

"McDreamy" Fights the Blame Game on "Grey’s Anatomy"

Grey's Anatomy : I Saw What I Saw I'm not normally a Grey's Anatomy watcher (yeah, right, some of you might say... but I'm not)....

Lean & Collaborative Care at ThedaCare

Six Best Practice Elements of ThedaCare's Collaborative Care ModelHere's an article from Becker's Hospital Review about the six best practices of Lean-based Collaborative Care...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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