Tag: Green

Are Lean and Green Really “Two Sides of the Same Coin?”

I used to like the slogan, “Lean and Green are two sides of the same coin.” I even used it as a tagline in presentations in which I was arguing that there is a potential for significant synergy between the Lean and sustainability programs in my company.

Kaizen Adventures in My Hometown of Livonia, Michigan

I'm in my home town of Livonia, Michigan this week, having arrived to the snow and cold yesterday, staying through Thursday. Boy, my blood...

‘Lean and Green’ is Free

Mark's note: What follows is a guest post by Keivan Zokaei about the necessary and unsurprisingly overlap between Lean principles and environmental stewardship. I...

Memorial Day Thanks & Links to Lean in the Military

I know about 35% of you are reading from outside of the United States, but it is a national holiday here today, Memorial Day....

The Paradox of Green: Why Simply Giving New Recycling Bins Is...

My city in Texas signed a contract with a new trash/waste company that starts on September 1st. The new bin is green (pictured at...

Lean Leads to Green, Which Supports Lean

Forgive me if some Texas pride comes through in this post, as well as some former-client pride. The clinical laboratory team at Children's Medical...

Happy Birthday Frank Gilbreth; Reducing Waste in Hospitals… Green is Lean

Today, July 7, is the birthday of Frank Gilbreth, born this day in 1868. While some of his methods arguably ranked low on the...

Guest Post: Green Is Lean

Mark's note: Today's guest blogger is Tim McMahon, who normally blogs at his called "A Lean Journey: The Quest for True North."   Tim...

A Lean and Green Survey from the UK

One of my colleagues from across the Pond,  James Marsh at  Sheffield Hallam University, is currently researching his PhD exploring  Lean Six Sigma  and...

What's the Point of Standard if it's Not Followed?

I am at the Ontario Hospital Association 'HealthAchieve' meeting (giving a talk on Lean Healthcare later on). I saw Dr. Sanjay Gupta present this...

Neither Lean Nor Green: People Who Send Me Stuff I Didn’t...

Channeling my inner Andy Rooney... I try to be a lean thinker and a lean guy. I'm all for reducing and eliminating waste. Where that...

The New GM Is No Longer the "Leaner" GM?

I've complained about this before, it hardly fazes me any more when the media say that GM is going to be "leaner" in the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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