Tag: Gemba

“Management By Walking Around” vs. “Gemba Walks”

It's important not to confuse a proper Lean "gemba walk" with the idea of "management by walking around" (MBWA).  What did the late, great...

“Lack of Time” for Kaizen is a Problem Statement, Not an...

As I've talked to and worked with hospitals and their leaders about Kaizen, or continuous improvement, the concepts, mindsets, and methods make sense to...

The Positive Trend of “Lean Design” of the Space & Processes...

It's been nice to see the "lean design" approach taking hold in healthcare over the past few years. I think the first book on...

Why Does this Hospital CEO Have to Go Undercover? Or Does...

Update: I edited the post title to add "Or Does He?" See the CEO's comment below, suggesting that the TV report gave the wrong...

Beware the Wrong Gemba Walk: Avoiding Top-Down Mistakes in Lean Leadership

This is always a tongue-in-cheek warning, but there are times when I warn hospital leaders that they have to be careful when going to...

Lean or “Customer Development” – Get Out of the Office

Thanks to Patrick Vlaskovits, a guest in my Podcast episode #99, for posting a photo of a Southwest Airlines magazine blurb about Steve Blank,...

Questions about and Lessons from a Steering Wheel Falling Off

In the news yesterday, a General Motors recall over what could be just one isolated steering wheel problem in an Ohio-built Chevrolet (don't call...

Local News Stories About a Healthcare Value Leaders Network Visit to...

Recently, a group of leaders from the third cohort in the Healthcare Value Leaders Network visited Mercy Medical Center in Mason City, Iowa for...

Podcast #116 – Jim Womack, His New Lean Book ‘Gemba Walks’

Episode #116 is a chat with Jim Womack, founder and former Chairman of the Lean Enterprise Institute, now their Senior Advisor and author of...

From SHS: Ohio Health Reduces Surgical Site Infections Using Lean

A few weeks back, I attended the Society for Health Systems (SHS) Conference in Orlando, where I chaired the Patient Flow track. There were...

Systems in Place to Prevent These Medication Errors? Seems Not…

A few weeks ago, I saw a horrific story about a retail pharmacy error in the article "Pharmacy Mistakenly Gives Pregnant Woman Abortion Pill."...

“Project Search,” Lean, Cincinnati Children’s, and Respect for People

I had the most amazing morning a few weeks ago when I was in Cincinnati for the TechSolve lean healthcare event. Thanks to...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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