Tag: Gemba

Toyota Brings TPS & The Toyota Way to India – The...

Here's a fascinating article: "How Toyota brought its famed manufacturing method to India." The piece starts with a story about a classic Toyota management practice...

Tips for Shadowing in Healthcare

"Shadowing" is a very powerful method. In a healthcare setting, we can shadow patients or staff to better understand the "current state" of how...

Society for Health Systems Conference – Roger Gerard, ThedaCare

Saturday at the Society for Health Systems conference, included an excellent keynote address from Roger Gerard, from the ThedaCare health system, co-author with Dr....

Toyota’s Respect for People Principle: The Heart of Lean Thinking and...

tl;dr: In this post, Mark explores Toyota's principle of "Respect for People" within the context of Lean methodologies. He delves into how this principle...

#LeanStartup Conference 2012 Notes – Get Out of the Building

In his kickoff to the Lean Startup Conference, Eric Ries promised that there was so much content and so many speakers crammed into the...

Guest Post: Showing True Respect by Going to the Gemba

Today's post is by Brian Collyer, blogger at Today's Lean Manufacturing. Brian interviewed me recently for his podcast. Gemba: the Japanese term meaning "the real...

Going to Japan to Study Lean in November – Any Advice...

I had previously blogged about this Lean healthcare study trip to Japan, but I'm really excited that it's coming up soon! I depart in...

Labor Day Reflections for a Safer Week (and Years) Ahead

I didn't have a post yesterday because it was the Labor Day holiday here in the U.S. While I'm not a "worker," in the...

A Kidney Accidentally Trashed – More Questions Than Answers

Many of you have emailed me about this horribly sad story: "Toledo hospital nurse accidentally throws away healthy donor kidney during transplant surgery." As a...

Videos: Lean in Daily Work at the University of Michigan Health...

If your organization blocks access to YouTube... shame on them. The videos I'm sharing here are two reasons you should insist they open access...

“Living Lean” Vignette – Good Illustration or a Bit of a...

Interesting article here: "Case in Point: Avoiding martial-arts moves by 'pulling the Andon cord'" that was in the Washington Post, of all places. The piece,...

Notes from Meeting Masaaki Imai and Hearing Him Talk about Kaizen...

What a great time on Thursday with Masaaki Imai! We were hosted by a non-profit organization, SightLife, that has used Lean to improve the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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