Tag: Gemba

Audio Parody – “Lean Serial”

My wife and I were late to the wildly popular podcast "Serial," but we listened to the first six episodes while traveling over the...

Words vs. Simple Visuals; A Secret About Japanese Hospitals

This tweet and photo made me chuckle the other day... If it's "your right" or "your left" as you're going up or down the stairs,...

Unclear on the Lean Concept: Gemba Walks

Here's the third cartoon collaboration with artist Carrie Schurman, CMA (AAMA), a workflow facilitator at a health system in Florida. See all of the cartoons here....

Homer Simpson Does Some Kaizen at Home and a Gemba Walk...

Recently, while watching part of The Simpsons marathon that aired on FXX, I was inspired to write this post: "Proof That Nelson from The...

Podcast #208 – Michael Bremer on How to Do a Gemba...

Joining me for episode #208 is Michael Bremer, author of the recently released book How to Do a Gemba Walk. Michael is president of The...

Proof That Nelson from The Simpsons is Not a Good Kaizen...

If you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of The Simpsons. The show has been on TV for 25 of my 40...

My Thoughts on “10 Ideas That Hospital and Health System CEOs...

I saw this piece by Bob Herman at Becker's Hospital Review and ended up writing a blog post here instead of writing a long...

Video: Toyota Helps Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Their Eye Clinic

California week on the blog continues after yesterday's post about Lean at San Francisco General Hospital. Today, I'm flying to Los Angeles to attend the...

Secretary Shinseki Has Resigned; Will Things Change at the VA?

=Following up on posts from Monday and Wednesday, we see this headline today: "Shinseki resigns after VA scandal." As I wrote about on LinkedIn, instead...

Toyota’s Blog on Pillars of the Toyota Production System & Lean

I didn't know , until yesterday, that Toyota has an official company blog (at least for Toyota UK). Even though I've learned from Toyota people...

Things That Make Me Worry About My Colonoscopy: Patient Safety

Sorry to get all Katie Couric on you, but I'm going to have a colonoscopy on Friday. I turned 40 last October and I...

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: Not Doing Kaizen, Engaged Sailors, Etc.

Every once in a while, I have too many browser windows open and it slows my computer down. That's when I dump a bunch...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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