Tag: Gemba

Toyota’s Buyouts and New Leadership

Taking the Wheel as Toyota Skids - NYTimes.comToyota's Cost Cutting Plan to Include Buyouts for Factory WorkersToyota famously has avoided layoffs of permanent employees...

Your Own Process and People, not the Internet

I get sort of tired of seeing questions like this on the internet (on the Yahoo Group for Healthcare Management Engineers):Just wondering if anyone...

More on Meijer (That Sounds Like "Moron Meijer")

Recently, I blogged about management practices at the midwest retail chain Meijer. It was a sad (and not uncommon) story of quotas and threats...

A Lean Guy Reads FORTUNE

As I was catching up on my back issues of FORTUNE, I had a few Lean thoughts as I read.In the June 9 edition,...

"Rounding" and "Gemba Walks"

StuderGroup - The Magic of Rounding Here's a good article from Quint Studer about "rounding" -- something Lean folks might refer to as a "Gemba...

Candidates at the Gemba

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.comSort of a funny video (linked above) on CNN/Headline News about presidential candidates being "clueless" about what they're...

Toyota President Urges Genchi Genbutsu

Toyota juggernaut vows to improve (Detroit News):Toyota's president is urging his own company to remember the principle of "Genchi Genbutsu," or "go and see."...

Democrats at the "Gemba"

Clinton gets close-up glimpse of nurse's life - USATODAY.comIt's probably all just political posturing, but Hillary Clinton recently spent two hours shadowing and observing...

A Gemba Walk Example and Question: Strengthening Lean Leadership

This is from a blog reader, Mike, in response to an earlier question about the role of senior leadership in a Lean effort. I'm...

Reader Question: Role of a Company President?

Since we've been talking about leadership and Lean, it's coincidence that I got this email from a reader. I'll let the blog readers...

Going Out Through the "Open Door"

Kent Blumberg: Open door policies that workHere's another interesting take on the practice of managers going to the Gemba. Kent writes about why...

Understanding Lean: Differentiating Real Lean from ‘L.A.M.E.’ Practices

Many of the "anti-lean" stories I hear sound like descriptions of situations or methods that I would hardly describe as "Lean." There are many...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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