Tag: Gemba

Archived SlideCast of my Webinar on Gemba Walks

I have strong ties and connections to the state of Michigan, growing up in Livonia, starting my career there in Livonia, and having my...

April Fool: A New Way to Learn Lean? Wii Lean!

Note: I edited the post title on April 3 to make it clear this was an April Fool's Joke. Comments posted by readers on...

NPR on the “End of the Line” at NUMMI and My...

Here's some Saturday morning listening... a story from yesterday's "All Things Considered" on the "End of the Line" at the NUMMI plant (the GM...

Video Interview with LEI’s Jim Womack

Jim Womack visited  Lantech, a manufacturer of stretch wrappers and other packaging equipment. While there and visiting the "gemba," Jim was interviewed about Lean,...

President Obama at “the Gemba”

Keeping things light on a Saturday... New York Magazine has a funny photo story series of President Obama on tours of different factories and...

A Lean Guy Goes to #HIMSS10 Part 1

I'm about conferenced out! First was the excellent SHS/ASQ conference on healthcare operations improvement (read my posts), then the HIMSS conference focused on heathcare...

A “Go to Gemba” Show (of sorts) Premieres after the Super...

Hat tips to the blogs Lean is Good and Curious Cat... tonight is the debut of the new CBS reality show "Undercover Boss" a...

Guest Post: What Do You Do When…

Mark's note: I've known Bruce Baker for a few years as a thoughtful commenter here on the Lean Blog. I was thrilled when he...

Lean in Sweden: Tools < Thinking

I had an incredible visit to a hospital in Stockholm yesterday, to walk the "gemba" (the actual workplace)   to see their lean improvement...

“Strategy Deployment” Online Video Education from John Toussaint

One project I'm involved with at the LEI is an online video education event on the topic of "strategy deployment," confusing known also as...

Lean is “Loving Care”? Lean IS Loving Care… Or Should Be

As you read this, I'll have just arrived in Stockholm, Sweden, where I have the honor of being the guest of UniLabs, a European...

Data vs. Facts, Illustrated

Two expressions get used often in the lean world, one from Dr. W. Edwards Deming and one from Toyota's Taiichi Ohno. Dr. Deming was...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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