Tag: Gemba

Living in Your Customers’ Shoes – Airport Car Rentals & Lessons...

This might seem like a random topic, but what the heck, it's a Friday. I arrived in Orlando yesterday for the  Society for Health...

10 Key Lean Mindsets for Healthcare

I really enjoyed having the chance to be in Cincinnati yesterday to participate in a Lean Healthcare workshop put on by TechSolve, a non-profit...

Do Good Coaches Brush Off Feedback from the Team as Whining?

I got a question via Twitter yesterday from somebody who asked how to help production operators make the case to supervisors that their kaizen...

Notes From My Second Day at #IHI 2011

Following up my notes from Day 1, I'm sharing my notes from the second full day I attended on Wednesday, December 8 2010. Here, in...

3 Reasons the General Public Doesn’t Think Healthcare Can Improve

Lean thinkers see the waste in healthcare when they are at the hospital "gemba". I think this is true whether you are a Lean...

Daily Huddle Best Practices: Video Insights from Everett Clinic

A key cultural aspect of Lean is the "daily huddle." Sure, this practice isn't exclusive to Lean, but it fits with the core concepts...

Do You Know More Than a Hospital CEO About…

If you're a regular reader of my Lean Blog, you might know more about preventing Hospital Acquired Infections than many healthcare CEOs do, says...

Guest Post: The Role of Middle Management in Toyota or a...

Mark's note: Today is the first of a series of guest posts that will appear over the next two weeks from a variety of...

Highlights from Shingo Prize Conference, Day 1

I'm here at the Shingo Prize conference for the second year in a row. Lots of good networking and talks/panels. I'll share a few...

Right Method, Wrong Culture

I heard a great line from an Emergency Department doc and physician leader yesterday. Talking about his hospital's Lean efforts, he said, simply: "Data should...

Guest Post: Deming, Lean, and Healthcare Transformation

Mark's note: I'm happy to welcome a relatively new friend,  Mike Stoecklein, as a guest author here on my Lean Blog. We have shared...

What Makes You Want to Do Better?

Recently, I was able to visit VIBCO, a Lean manufacturing company in Rhode Island. Company President Karl Wadensten is the host of "The Lean...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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