Tag: Funny
30 Rock’s 6 Principles of 6 Sigma
My blog has gotten a lot of traffic since Thursday as people search for "30 rock jack welch" after his "acting" appearance on the...
Creative Kludge from a Cop = Kaizen?
A site related to my favorite failblog.org is "There I Fixed It," a creative collection of bad workarounds or clever fixes, depending on your...
“Win”-dow Washing: Standardized Work or Kaizen?
I try to keep things light here on Saturdays... one of my favorite sites is failblog.org and their related blogs. Although they normally document...
Data vs. Facts, Illustrated
Two expressions get used often in the lean world, one from Dr. W. Edwards Deming and one from Toyota's Taiichi Ohno. Dr. Deming was...
Lean Joke of the Day – Octo-Mom
From our good friend, Mike Micklewright, shared with permission.
What does the Octo-Mom have in common with many American...