Tag: Funny
Weekend Fun: How “Toast Kaizen” Should Have Ended
I've probably seen the "Current Condition" portion of the fantastic "Toast Kaizen" DVD (from GBMP) more than a hundred times over the past seven...
When 5S Goes Wrong: A Hilarious (and Cringe-worthy) Office Fiasco Caught...
You might also have seen the first video animation that I did last week about the waste of getting new recycling bins. I've created a new video that shows what a "bad office 5S" scene might look like... something that's "L.A.M.E." not Lean.
Weekend Fun: 30 Rock Mocks GE’s Manufacturing Reshoring
One of the things I love about the NBC show "30 Rock" is the way is skewers GE culture (such as its past mocking...
94% of Problems Are Really Caused By… Chuck Norris?
Since the webinar I'm doing later today for Gemba Academy (Using SPC to Make Better Management Decisions) allows me to cite the late great...
Funny: The Most Interesting Lean Thinker in the World
This is too good not to share. The team at a startup called Buffer created a list of Lean Startup concepts in the guise...
Weekend Fun – Quality Related Band Names
I was driving the other day, listening to the 1980s music channel on XM Radio. The DJ announced a song by Duran Duran and...
What People Think a Lean Healthcare Consultant Does
Some of you might be familiar with the internet meme, spreading on Facebook especially, about "what people think of my profession" (as described in...
“Kaizen!” Mention on “Parks & Rec”
Catching up on an episode of the NBC show "Parks & Recreation" from a few weeks back, Rob Lowe's character is talking about going...
A Vivid Example of Gaming the Numbers on “The Office”
NBC's "The Office" is often a good source for clips that illustrate the opposite of Lean thinking. Last week's episode was a continuation of...
This Commercial is Not Exactly the “Five Whys”
If you're watching college football bowls or the NFL playoffs, it's hard not to see this commercial from DirecTV. It's not exactly the reverse...
Interview with Dr. Les Muda, the World’s First #Lean Healthcare Comedian
You might remember Dr. Les Muda, the "World's First Lean Healthcare Comedian" (arguably the only one?) from a video back in June. He has...
Dwight’s Doomsday Defect Prevention Device on “The Office”
On last Thursday's episode of The Office, Dwight Schrute installed a software system that he called an "accountability booster," aka the "doomsday device," as...