Tag: Franciscan

Kaizen Live! 2016 – See a Culture of Continuous Improvement at...

Last year, Joe Swartz and I hosted a workshop at his organization, Franciscan St. Francis Health in Indianapolis. We called it “Kaizen Live!” and it was designed as an opportunity to see a culture of continuous improvement – what does it look like? What do people say?We lay this out in our Healthcare Kaizen books...

Franciscan Kaizen Video #8: A Hospital Manager Makes Time for Kaizen

It's been a little while, but here's a new video about Kaizen and continuous improvement from our friends at Franciscan St. Francis Health in...

Gemba in the NICU: More Notes from our “Kaizen Live” Experience...

In my first post about the on-site Kaizen learning experience at Franciscan St. Francis Health, an event I came to call "Kaizen Live," I...

Some Highlights from Last Week’s “Kaizen Live” Event at Franciscan St....

Last Wednesday and Thursday, I collaborated with Joe Swartz and a countless number of his colleagues to host 24 visitors from different health systems (and...

Franciscan Kaizen Video #7: From Kaizen to Innovation in the NICU

Today and tomorrow are the days for our first on-site Kaizen experience at Franciscan St. Francis. I'll be sharing things on Twitter (@MarkGraban) and...

We’re Ready for #KaizenLive on Wednesday & Thursday – Join Us...

Joe Swartz and I have been working for a while to put together our first onsite Kaizen workshop at his health system, Franciscan St....

Upcoming Lean Healthcare Events – Webinars, Workshop, Conference, and Trip

Hi - I'd let to let you know about or remind you about a few upcoming events that I'll be a part of. I hope...

10 More Reasons to Come See Kaizen at Franciscan St. Francis...

You Still Have Time to Register Update -- you can also learn more and register for our April 2016 event via www.KaizenLive.com. Joe Swartz and I...

Kaizen: Giving Seven Days’ Grace on a New Idea [Video]

Here's another video in the series that Joe Swartz and I shot at Franciscan St. Francis Health back in October. See them all here or via a...

A #Kaizen Example from St. Francis: From “Flavored Snot” to Applesauce...

Here's the latest video in the series that Joe Swartz and I shot at Franciscan St. Francis Health back in October. See them all...

See A Pharmacy Leader Say “The Leaders Support Kaizen… It’s OK...

Here's the latest video in the series that Joe Swartz and I shot at Franciscan St. Francis Health back in October. Pharmacy manager (now director)...

Video: The Culture is Staff Input; Info About a Class on...

Here's the latest in our series of videos about Kaizen and a culture of continuous improvement at Franciscan St. Francis Health in Indianapolis. Scroll...
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