Tag: Flinchbaugh
Cleaning out the Backlog: Krafcik, Email, Lincoln, Leadership, Humility, Patient Falls
As I sometimes do, I'm going to close out a bunch of browser tabs and share some articles that caught my eye recently but...
Toyota’s Jamie Bonini on Organizational Culture
Last week at the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, I really enjoyed the presentation by Jamie Bonini, General Manager of the Toyota Production System Support...
Update on KaiNexus – Making Improvement Easier in New Ways &...
It's been about a year since I started working with a software startup KaiNexus. We've made a lot of progress in that year, refining...
Continuing Experiments in Self Publishing & Lean Publishing
After my first experiment with the great Leanpub.com service (my "Best of Lean Blog 2011" eBook), I was happy to see my good friend...
Free iPhone & Android App – “Lean Daily”
This is free app that's brought to you by a coalition of lean bloggers. Learn more about it or download it directly from the iTunes...
“Management By Walking Around” vs. “Gemba Walks”
It's important not to confuse a proper Lean "gemba walk" with the idea of "management by walking around" (MBWA). What did the late, great...
Guest Post: What It Means
Mark's Note: Here's part 4 of a series by our guest blogger, Andy Wagner. Start reading with Part 1 here.
"What lies behind us...
Guest Post: What Do You Do When…
Mark's note: I've known Bruce Baker for a few years as a thoughtful commenter here on the Lean Blog. I was thrilled when he...
Leading Lean A-Z: K, Be Kinetic
This continues a series titled Leading Lean A-Z. This post is K: Be Kinetic.
Did you ever have one of those days where you just...
No Rx for Lean
I recently have had the opportunity to review a wide range of sites and companies and provide feedback on their lean journey. One of...
Leading Lean A-Z: F for be First
by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanWhen visiting companies that feel better about their lean journey than they probably should, perhaps the...
When is it time for lean "lite"?
by Jamie Flinchbaugh, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanMany of the frequent LeanBlog readers will know that I have been a regular guest blogger on...