Tag: Flinchbaugh
The Waste of Overproduction
by Jamie FlinchbaughAny growth story is eventually met wth an industry wide waste of overproduction, or glut of capacity. When this happens, plants have...
We Have a Winner!
Throughout May we have been holding a contest for the best examples of Everyday Lean, examples of lean thinking that show up in everyday...
Educating Today’s Youth in Lean
Bringing lean into our education system is a two-pronged requirement. One aspect, which has not been written about much at all, is applying lean...
More Everyday Lean Examples
There is not much time left in our contest for the best examples of everyday lean. The contest will continue running until the end...
Everyday Lean Contest Update
There is not much time left in our contest for the best examples of everyday lean. The contest will continue running until the end...
Respect for People
Much has been written and talked about over the last two years about the "human side of lean" and the "respect for people" pillar...
For the rest of May, we are accepting submissions of Everyday Lean, examples from our daily lives of how lean can make stuff easier,...
Leading up and taking risks
A couple of months ago, I wrote in my column for Assembly Magazine on a topic titled "Fix My Manager, Please!" The essense of...
Everyday Lean: The DMV
As we continue our month-long challenge for examples of Everyday Lean, you still have plenty of chances to win. The best will win a...
For this month, submit your ideas of Everyday Lean for the change to win a free copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to Lean. Everyday...
For the rest of May, we are accepting submissions of Everyday Lean, examples from our daily lives of how lean can make stuff easier,...
Leading Lean Column
by Jamie FlinchbaughThe May issue of Assembly Magazine is out and with it, my lastest column of Leading Lean which you can find inside...