Tag: Flashback

Flashback Friday: Demolition Errors, Mistake Proofing, and Healthcare

In recent years, I've written two blog posts about the sad scenarios where the wrong building was demolished by a crew. In these scenarios, it's easy to blame "bad crew" instead of looking at systemic causes of such an error. Having a better process is always more effective than admonishing people to "be more careful." What did I see recently that caught my attention in terms of trying to prevent demolition errors?

Flashback Friday: Past Super Bowl-Related #Lean Posts

Sunday is the Super Bowl here in the United States. Past Super Bowl games and telecasts have led to some Lean-related posts. Below is a collection...

Lean Blog Flashback to 2013: Detect or Inspect?

Here is a post from today's date, October 30, 2013. It's a guest post by my friend Brian Buck, who works at Seattle Children's Hospital. Brian's post helps illustrate the idea that 100% inspection isn't 100% effective. That's certainly true in book copy editing, even when done by professionals!

Lean Blog Flashback to 2010: Lean Shouldn’t Stress People Out

Here is a post from today's date, October 29, 2010. It's a guest post by David Veech, who is now at Ohio State University and their Fisher College of Business. Change isn't easy and Lean isn't easy... but it should help employees more than it stress them out. Here's David's post:

Lean Blog Flashback to 2014: The NY Jets & Copying

Here is a post from today's date, October 28, from last year. Organizations get in trouble when they copy a Lean tool or method and they don't have the entire system and mindset in place. It's a Catch 22 -- we want to learn from others...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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