Tag: FastCap

Video Interviews with Karl Wadensten and Paul Akers

Our theme this month on the KaiNexus blog is executive leadership. We are concluding that series with a new webinar that will be hosted...

Paul Akers Q&A On Incentives & Rewards for Kaizen

It's time for another reader question - this time, it was a question that came in via Twitter. It was right on point with...

Podcast #136 – Paul Akers, Interview About His Book ‘2 Second...

Our guest for episode #136 is Paul Akers, President of FastCap and author of the book 2 Second Lean. Here, we are talking about...

An Inc. “Best Small Company Workplace” & Their Lean Culture

As I was cleaning out a pile of stuff in my office, I found an unread issue of Inc. magazine from June 2011. One...

Kaizen for Kids

Paul Akers, the President of FastCap is a great advocate for staff-driven kaizen (or improvement) ideas in the workplace. Paul and his company bring...

Interview with Paul Akers, CEO of FastCap, on the LeanAmerica.org Initiative

Listen: This episode is a conversation with Paul Akers, founder and president of FastCap LLC, based in Bellingham, WA. FastCap is an international product development...

Updates on Two Lean Radio Shows: “Lean Nation” and “American Innovator”

Many of you may have been following developments related to two radio shows about Lean that have graced the terrestrial airwaves and internet broadcasts...

A Breath of Lean Positivity – Paul Akers and FastCap

I had an amazing conversation on Saturday with Paul Akers (pictured at left), the founder and president of FastCap, a company in Washington, a...

Daily Huddle Best Practices: Video Insights from Everett Clinic

A key cultural aspect of Lean is the "daily huddle." Sure, this practice isn't exclusive to Lean, but it fits with the core concepts...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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