Tag: Everyday Lean

April Fool: Announcing my Next #Lean Book Project – Baby’s First...

After the nice response to Lean Hospitals and  Healthcare Kaizen, I often get asked, "So, what's your next book going to be?" (other than...

Error Proofing Against Drinking Bad Tap Water at #HIMSS13

Here in New Orleans, there was a problem with the city water today and there's a 24-hour "boil water" order in effect through tomorrow...

A Coffee Mug Error Proofed Against Tipping?

I saw this at an office supply store today (but didn't buy it). For all of the coffee making problems I have, tipping mugs...

“Living Lean” Vignette – Good Illustration or a Bit of a...

Interesting article here: "Case in Point: Avoiding martial-arts moves by 'pulling the Andon cord'" that was in the Washington Post, of all places. The piece,...

Weekend Fun: My Ironic Home Office

It's been a month now since my wife and I moved to San Antonio. I've been on the road most or all of the...

Stuff I’m Reading, May 7, 2012: Nurses, Blame, Government, Apple in...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean related topics: Twin boys die...

Mistake Proofing the Home Alarm System

As I've mentioned, my wife and I are in the process of moving from suburban Fort Worth to San Antonio. As we have potential...

Ending the Home Kanban System (For This Home, At Least)

As I lighten my workload a bit during my "Blog Break" in preparation for my family's move to San Antonio, I thought new readers...

Lean in Your Life – Preventing Health Problems with Technology

Continuing this first week of the year's theme of using Lean principles to improve our lives, I'm going to write about two pieces of...

Book Review: One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen...

While doing research for my upcoming book on "Healthcare Kaizen," I found two books that touched on kaizen-style continuous improvement in our everyday lives....

Everyday Lean: Error Proofing Sidewalk Grates (photo by @karenmartinopex)

Thanks to my friend and fellow author Karen Martin for taking this picture while in Calgary. Even if you don't wear high heeled shoes,...

Guest Post: Being the Change

Mark's note: Today, I'm happy to welcome back an old Lean Blog contributor, Andy Wagner. He takes a more personal turn here than most...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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