Tag: England

Stuff I’m Reading, May 7, 2012: Nurses, Blame, Government, Apple in...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean related topics: Twin boys die...

Stuff I’m Reading, April 19 – Toussaint, Saskatchewan, & Apologies

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest during my blog break (somewhat of a break): John Toussaint's...

A Lean Guy Reads the Globe and Mail – Shoelaces &...

I was in Canada a few weeks back and two articles from the Globe and Mail newspaper caught my eye - stories from England...

Revisiting Taxis, Medical Errors, and Systemic Problems

You might have read my blog post from last week about an unsafe taxi driver and medical errors -  Said the Unsafe Taxi Driver,...

Releasing Time to Care (Lean Nursing) in New Zealand

Here is a nice little (under 2 minutes) news video from New Zealand talking about one hospital (in Auckland) and their implementation of the...

Guest Post: Lean Leaders Conference, Part 2 – To Centralise or...

Mark's note: You may recognize the author of this guest post, Andrew Castle, as a previous contributor and frequent commenter on my blog. I...

Guest Post: Lean Leaders Conference, Part 1 – Do Senseis Need...

Mark's note: You may recognize the author of this guest post, Andrew Castle, as a previous contributor and frequent commenter on my blog. I...

UK Government Wants Lean and Six Sigma or Just Cost Cutting?

I guess I have a burr in my saddle this week, being Independence Day and all, since I'm commenting on something from the UK...

LeanBlog Podcast #93 – Jim Hearn on Lean to Improve Patient...

Listen: Episode #93 is a discussion with Jim Hearn, the Head of Lean and Six Sigma at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. This discussion...

Lean Healthcare Examples from Seattle and the UK

This linked article ("Lean cuts Healthcare Costs at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle") summarizes improvements and Lean methods at Seattle's Virginia Mason Medical Center...

Behind the Numbers: A Startling Look at Healthcare Quality, Patient Safety,...

In this post, Mark compiles a range of eye-opening statistics about healthcare quality, patient safety, and medical errors. Acting as a repository of data,...

Yo! Continuous Flow Sushi

Here's a fun video for a Saturday. In England, I love the Yo! Sushi chain of restaurants. It's basically a continuous flow conveyor belt of...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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