Tag: Emergency Dept

"McDreamy" Fights the Blame Game on "Grey’s Anatomy"

Grey's Anatomy : I Saw What I Saw I'm not normally a Grey's Anatomy watcher (yeah, right, some of you might say... but I'm not)....

Pittsburgh Area Hospital Transforms its E.D. with Lean

Toyota model transforms St. Clair Hospital ER - Manufacturing principles meet medical careHere's a nice overview of a Pittsburgh area hospital's Lean efforts in...

Lean Methods for Aerospace and Healthcare in Ontario

Article - How Toyota builds carsHere's an article from Canada about how Toyota (an automaker) manages to be influential to Bombardier (maker of planes)...

Lean at Windsor’s Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital

Here is a video from Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital (HDGH) in Windsor, Ontario Canada about their Lean effort, the video is part of their main...

USA Today Features Lean in Hospitals

Hospital CEOs manage staff time, inventory to cut costs - USATODAY.com It's nice to see a major publication covering Lean and, especially, Lean in healthcare....

An Update on Lean in a New Zealand Emergency Dept

You might remember a 2008 blog piece about early Lean efforts in New Zealand hospital (Dunedin hospital), where the primary aim was reducing...

Article about Lean in Canadian Cataract Surgery and More

A clear vision for better health care - The Globe and MailThis is an article about Lean improvements in the British Columbia health system,...

Checklists and Error Prevention on the TV Show ER

Hulu - ER: Old Times - Watch the full episode now.Thanks to Bryan to bringing this episode of ER to my attention. I don't...

The Need for Lean E.D. in N.Z.

Code red in the nation's hospital corridors | CLOSE UPThanks to Michael from New Zealand for pointing this story to me. The link above...

Lean in a New Zealand E.R.

Hospital aims for shorter wait times | Otago Daily Times Online Here's today's positive blog post. For cynicism and negativity on a different Lean topic...

Lean in a Canadian Emergency Department

Hospital News: Markham Stouffville Hospital makes 50 improvements to the emergency departmentHere's a news story that describes the beginning of a Lean journey in...

"Lean Building Techniques" for a Hospital?

SignOnSanDiego.com -- Skeptical councilmen now brag about hospital plansFrom the article about a planned hospital:The district hopes to reduce the figure to $983 million...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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