Tag: Education

FedEx’s Fred Smith on Why We Need Manufacturing

The Weekend Interview - WSJ.comGood interview with the CEO of FedEx, Fred Smith. If you click on the link above, be warned there's some...

K-12 Lean

Lean is very prevalent in manufacturing because manufacturing needs so much help. Jobs are being lost and profits and struggling, and so lean is...

Deming on Education

If there was any value to the Industry Week commentary that tried to link Deming and Obama, it was that it prompted me to...

Bad Systems in the News: Detroit Public Schools

I've fallen behind in my blogging the past few days, but I'll be back on track. I saw a number of news stories...

Linking Lean Thinking to Education – Conference Notes: Applying Lean Tools...

By Luke Van Dongen For me, the topic of applying lean principles and tools to the classroom was the best part of the Linking Lean...

Linking Lean Thinking to Education – Conference Notes: Lean Certification

My apologies for the delay in following through with posts from the EdNet / LEAN conference. Here's a bit on one of the...

Linking Lean Thinking to Education – Conference Notes

Last week I attended the joint meeting of LEAN (Lean Education Academic Network) and EdNet (Lean Aerospace Initiative Education Network) in Worcester Massachusetts. Here's...

Linking Lean Thinking to Education

For those interested in lean applications to education, there is an upcoming conference that you may want to check out.The conference is co-hosted by...

Educating Today’s Youth in Lean

Bringing lean into our education system is a two-pronged requirement. One aspect, which has not been written about much at all, is applying lean...

Lean Education Academic Network Announced

Lean Education Academic Network (new website)The Lean Enterprise Institute has announced a lean academic network for professors and universities that are teaching lean principles....
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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