Tag: Education

Kaizen for Kids

Paul Akers, the President of FastCap is a great advocate for staff-driven kaizen (or improvement) ideas in the workplace. Paul and his company bring...

Help a Doctoral Student: Online Survey on Lean Diffusion

If you are in the midst of a Lean transformation and have some time, please take a look at this online survey from a...

Texas Snow Days Expose the Gaming of Standardized Tests

As you might have heard, considering all of the Super Bowl media hype from here in North Texas, our weather has been pretty bad....

Daniel H. Pink Discusses the Intersection of Lean Methodology and Motivation...

Episode #107 is something I've been looking forward to for some time now - an interview with Dan Pink, the author of some  outstanding...

A Lean Guy Reads USA Today – NBA Unis and Teacher...

It's time for a Lean Blog feature I haven't done in a while.... "A Lean Guy Reads _______". I've done this before with the...

LeanBlog Podcast #75 – Peter Ward, Lean Education Academic Network

Our guest today for Episode #75 is Peter T. Ward, a professor at Ohio State University's Fisher College Business and Chair of the Department...

LEI Education Network Conference

This year, the Lean Enterprise Institute is helping the MIT Lean Advancement Initiative's "EdNet" jointly host their annual conference. It’s May 28-30 at the...

A Lean Simulation for Clemson Students

Clemson students learn by building a better clockThe article I've linked to above describes a hands-on simulation being run for Lean students at Clemson...

Diversity in Lean Thought is a Good Thing

Just a quick blog post for today... I recently did an online presentation for a student Lean club at Utah State University. It wasn't...

Gaming the College Rankings at Baylor

Baylor Rewards Freshmen Who Retake SAT - NYTimes.comBaylor Newspaper ArticleShow me a ranking system and I'll show you a way to "game the system"...

Book Review: Everything I Know About Lean I Learned in First...

Amazon.com: Everything I Know About Lean I Learned in First Grade: Robert O. Martichenko: BooksThis is a unique and compelling book about the Lean...

"Educators" Don’t Learn that Pay for Grades is Harmful

Pay for Grades? - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-RegisterFlying in and out of Chicago, I've been reading over the past few months about...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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