Tag: Doctor

Lean and MD’s, Defining "Value"

DailyKaizen » What the patient is willing to pay forHow about this for a circular (almost) network of blogs? I'm linking to...

Does the Solo Doc = "Lean" Doc?

WSJ Article: Faltering Family M.D.s Get Technology Lifeline While I was skeptical of Intel's planned tablet PC for nurses, I'm much more positive in my...

An Open-Access Doctor’s Office

Business Week Article Here's a good story about how some doctors offices are trying to reduce backlogs and appointment delays, by adopting lean and operations...

Dr. Kovach is Part of a System…

... and the system sucks!" That was the final line of a recent episode of ER that we just watched last night (thanks to the...

One Doctor’s View on Lean

Healthcare Efficiency: Lean and MeanHere is a short blog piece on the American Society for Quality website, written by a doctor. It's positive...

Overprocessing in Healthcare

Ark. Hospital, Surgeon Sued For Performing Unnecessary Heart Surgeries When I teach lean overview training in healthcare settings, it's often tough to find examples of...

Being Careful Isn’t Enough, Particularly in Pathology

One of the core ideas of the Toyota Production System is the recognition that people are indeed human and are therefore fallible (part of...

What’s the Root Cause of This One?

I don't think I'm smart enough to figure out the root cause of this healthcare dysfunction. I went to the dentist this morning...

Amazing Single Piece Flow MD Office

MedQIC - Patient-Centered Care Supported by an EHR The link above (and this audio-video presentation with similar content) tell an amazing story of a private...

Doctor Suspended For THIRD Wrong Surgery

theledger.comTalk about not learning from your mistakes. There are so many simple ways of error proofing surgery, including having procedures in place to...

Operating on the wrong body part

Serious errors by doctor, nurse reported at St. Mary's Medical CenterThis kind of article is published far too often, but this statistic is alarming:"Doctors...

"Even Skilled Physicians Make Mistakes"

WSJ.com - The Doctor's Office (free feature):"Most medical errors in the doctor's office are process errors. These result from communication problems, office administration problems,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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