Tag: Doctor

CNN Video on Lean Methods and Infection Control

Health care's infectious loss - Video - Business News Short post for today - but an important one. Here's a great video from CNN last...

Article about Lean in Canadian Cataract Surgery and More

A clear vision for better health care - The Globe and MailThis is an article about Lean improvements in the British Columbia health system,...

It Might Be Bad Design If Instructions Are Required…

... or if it's too easy to make mistakes. One of my favorite books of all time is Donald Norman's The Design of Everyday Things....

Book Review – The Myth of Multitasking

The Myth of Multitasking - Dave Crenshaw I am long overdue on a review of this book, which I feel bad about because I really...

Standardized Work Should Not be Robotic – Especially in Healthcare

Why 'Quality' Care Is Dangerous - WSJ.com Yesterday's WSJ opinion piece by Dr. Jerome Goopman (author of How Doctors Think) and Pamela Hartzband caught my...

Great Editorial about Lean Healthcare in NZ

New Zealand Doctor Online - Medical News for GPsI often end up groaning (and complaining here) when I see news stories or editorials about...

Lean MD Office on NM TV

Local doctors cut stressBelow is a video from an Albuquerque TV news station, visiting a doctor's office that was implementing Lean. I wish I...

Emergency Docs Flaunt Standardized Work

Moonlighting county docs raise questions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: The WatchdogsOK, this isn't strictly a Lean issue, but this caught my eye in the...

Creating a Lean Family Practice

Creating a Lean Practice - April 2006 - Family Practice ManagementI started a new client project yesterday, so I'm a bit swamped. I'm excited...

Lean Overview Article in “The Hospitalist”

The Lean Hospital The Hospitalist is a publication for physicians who practice "hospital medicine." I had a chance to be interviewed for what turned out...

An MD/CEO In Indiana Believes in Lean

Doctor takes pulse of Lutheran Health | The Journal Gazette:Here's an article about Dr. Mike Schatzlein, Chief executive officer for Lutheran Health Network...

A Modern MD Who Makes House Calls

Jay Parkinson, MD. A doctor in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and ManhattanHIStalk Interviews Jay Parkinson MD MPH, House Call DoctorPosts will be pretty sparse and short...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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