Tag: Deming

Unraveling the Mystery Behind MLB’s Home Run Surge: A Data-Driven Exploration

It's been a busy few weeks for me with work travel and, blogwise, I'm winding down into a few weeks of "blog vacation" (which...

A PDSA Cycle in the Early Days of Baseball Uniforms

As somebody who grew up as a big baseball fan, I somehow managed to not see the Ken Burns documentary, Baseball. I've been watching...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: June 7, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Healthcare innovation is prone to continuous pilots of improvements that are already proven and a half-hearted embrace of meaningful change.  Sachin Jain,...

Episode #2 of the “Lean Whiskey” Podcast on GE, Boeing, and...

Jamie Flinchbaugh and I got a great response to the first episode of our new "Lean Whiskey" podcast. We've had a great time with...

How PBCs (Process Behavior Charts) Can Enhance the Practice of OKRs...

Over the past year, I've heard about the "OKRs" methodology that is used in tech companies like Google. OKRs stands for Objectives & Key...

Dr. Gary Kaplan and Virginia Mason Medical Center’s “War on Waste”

A few of you sent me this article from Modern Healthcare (thanks!): Virginia Mason Health CEO Dr. Gary Kaplan wages a war on waste As you...

Family Guy Skewers Marie Kondo (and 5S and Lean too?)

I haven't read it, but Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing has been a...

The CEO Leading the Culture Change at ZSFGH

Yesterday, I blogged about a CNO who was changing the culture at a hospital away from blaming individual nurses for system problems. The HealthLeaders...

It’s Been 25 Years Since Dr. Deming Passed Away

Today marks 25 years since W. Edwards Deming passed away in 1993. I remember sitting in a statistics class as an undergraduate at Northwestern University...

Podcast #323 – Davis Balestracci on “Data Sanity”

I first met Davis Balestracci at a conference a few years back, where I heard him give a very spirited and insightful presentation. That's why I'm happy to have him as my guest for Episode #323 of the podcast. We'll talk about a range of topics, including some of the key lessons that you'll find in his book (as a much deeper dive than we can get into here) Data Sanity: A Quantum Leap to Unprecedented Results (2nd edition). Davis has been a long-time columnist for Quality Digest, and you'll hear his thoughts on Process Behavior Charts, W. Edwards Deming, Lean Six Sigma, and more.

Podcast #320 – Skip Steward on Deming, Wheeler, Metrics, and More

Skip Steward, the Chief Improvement Officer at Baptist Memorial Health Care in Tennessee, was a guest on Episode #314 of the podcast talking about TWI and Toyota Kata in healthcare (he was joined by Brandon Brown). Today, I've asked Skip to come back and chat 1x1, in Episode #320, about his experience with Don Wheeler, learning from W. Edwards Deming, and more. I hope you enjoy his reflections, our discussions about healthcare, and connections to my book Measures of Success (Skip undoubtedly has a book in him too). 

Lean Learning Opportunities in Texas and Japan – Toyota is the...

I'm excited to share two interesting opportunities to further our learning about Lean. One is a Texas-based event in September and the other is Japan-based, in October.
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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