Tag: Deming
A Deming Newspaper
Desoto Sun Herald - 11/06/06A second mention of Deming today...This isn't a major newspaper, but the Desoto Sun Herald, in Florida, says: We...
Lost Baggage is Management’s Fault
Frustration Grows at Carousel as More Baggage Goes AstrayW. Edwards Deming is famous (but not famous enough) for pointing out that most errors are...
Dr. Kovach is Part of a System…
... and the system sucks!"
That was the final line of a recent episode of ER that we just watched last night (thanks to the...
Michael Irvin Channels W. Edwards Deming?
So I'm watching SportsCenter and analyst Michael Irvin, former Cowboys wide receiver, is talking about Cowboys coach Bill Parcells and Wide Receiver / Attention...
Unknowable Numbers and the Absurd
Infor Launches ERP XA MES Suite for Lean ManufacturingThis article talks about software for lean manufacturing environments, an idea that could be debated on...
The Proper Use of Metrics
I was able to tour a hospital laboratory that had already gone through the lean process.One metric was a daily tally of "sticks per...
How Incentives Are Ineffective
Reward and Incentive Programs are Ineffective -- Even Harmful by Peter R. Scholtes
It's worth a full post and full link, this article that John...
People want to do Quality Work
A question to ask yourselves (if you're in management): does your management system allow people to do their best work? Even if...
Forced Rankings and Respect for Humanity
Fortune: The new rules - Jul. 11, 2006Part of Fortune's cover story about how Jack Welch's "old rules" don't apply any more, this includes...
Being Careful Isn’t Enough, Particularly in Pathology
One of the core ideas of the Toyota Production System is the recognition that people are indeed human and are therefore fallible (part of...
The Myth of Setting Goals
TOM WALSH: Time for Wagoner to show why GM needs him:A lot has been written about the proposed deal between Nissan-Renault and General Motors....
Performance Appraisal Problems
Curious Cat Management Improvement: Problems Caused by Performance Appraisal
Here's a good post on the Curious Cat blog on the problems with performance appraisal systems....