Tag: Deming

Freakonomics and Lean

Freakonomics: Official SiteI know this wouldn't count as "leisure reading" for many folks, but I'm reading (and very much enjoying) the book Freakonomics: A...

Lean Louisville Sluggers

Louisville Slugger: The sweet spot:As the article points out, Kentucky is quite the hotbed of lean manufacturing, with the influence of the Toyota Georgetown...

More Notes on the Business Week Article

Toyota: A Carmaker Wired to Win:Dan Markovitz beat me to the punch, but I also wanted to comment on some things in the article:The...

Krazy Kwality Posters

I really dislike motivational posters, particularly those meant to inspire quality. I guess it comes from the early Deming training/indoctrination and having been around...

Intro to Deming Video

I've been doing a lot of re-reading (and some fresh reading) of the concepts of W. Edwards Deming recently. I've decided April will be...

An Overview of Deming’s Work

Investor's Business Daily: He Pointed Firms To Quality For those of you not familiar with W. Edwards Deming, here is a nice overview article from...

SPC and Lean

Got a question yesterday from Eric Christiansen, my guest for episode #18 of the LeanBlog Podcast. He asked: Can a company be considered a lean company...

Eric Christiansen on Being CEO of a Deming Company – LeanBlog...

Here is Episode #18 of the LeanBlog Podcast. My guest today is Eric Christiansen, the President of a translation services company, OmniLingua (more can...

Are Annual Reviews Killing Your Morale?

Deming listed the annual review process as one of the "deadly diseases" of management. From this website: "Evaluation of performance, annual review, merit rating. nourishes short-term...

Error-Proofing Enhances Quality

Society of Manufacturing EngineersCatching up on some old links and articles I never did get around to publishing... here's a good overview of...

Who is Responsible for Quality?

I saw this card (click on it for a larger view) included with some medical products that were shipped to a hospital. It's...

"Measuring Minds at Work"

There's a column with that title in the current issue of Business 2.0 magazine, the Nov 2006 issue. I'm re-posting this because the article...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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