Tag: Deming

An MD/CEO In Indiana Believes in Lean

Doctor takes pulse of Lutheran Health | The Journal Gazette:Here's an article about Dr. Mike Schatzlein, Chief executive officer for Lutheran Health Network...

LeanBlog Podcast #43 – Mike Micklewright, “What Would Deming Say?”

Episode #43 of LeanBlog Podcast is a very special one. My guest is Mike Mickleright, writer, consultant, and performer -- most interesting to me...

Mike Micklewright, Deming Impersonator

You might recall that I posted back in January about a "Deming impersonator" who was presenting/performing. Thank to that post, I...

Conferences, Future and Recent

The W. Edwards Deming InstituteThis has to be the best title for a seminar ever:How to Create Unethical, Ineffective Organizations That Go Out of...

Lowest "Respect for People" Score Ever?

Employee's suit: Company used waterboarding to motivate workers - Salt Lake TribuneThis isn't a "Lean" article, but holy moley, you have to read the...

Lean *is* About Quality, Folks

Time for a low-carb Lean Six Sigma?:Stuff like this irritates me to no end:"Lean Manufacturing has us analyzing process flow and delay times at...

A Silly Example of Mandates and Threats Not Working

Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die Maybe this mayor has consumed too much Bordeaux wine. But this story is a wonderfully comical illustration...

PDCA at the TSA?

ABC News: Airport Security To Be Easier for Families? I am probably giving the Transportation Security Agency waaaaaay too much credit here, but this story...

Deming on Education

If there was any value to the Industry Week commentary that tried to link Deming and Obama, it was that it prompted me to...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part I

The OODA Loop & You I love examples of lean thinking that come from unexpected angles. Mike Gardner at the TPM Log recently brought up...

Deming Endorses Obama (?)

Breaking: Deming Endorses Obama - IndustryWeek ForumsA few people have emailed me about this and it's easier for me to comment here than it...

Fun With Statistics, SPC Edition

To borrow a theme from Kevin Meyer, here's some "fun with statistics," or at least this kind of thing is fun to me, being...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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