Tag: Deming
Following up on the Peanut Corporation… Snap, Crackle, Salmonella?
Following up on these two earlier posts (here and here)... I'll quit calling them the "Idiot Corporation of America" since the Peanut Corporation of...
Idiot Inspector for Idiot Corporation?
TheDay.com - Food safety problems slip by auditorsYou might remember my rants about the Idiot Corp... I mean Peanut Corporation of America. Just saw...
Dr. Deming’s Role of a People Manager
I stumbled across these notes I had taken about 8 or 9 years ago based on a video lecture from Dr. Deming:W. Edwards Deming...
LeanBlog Podcast #63 – David “Zuma Dogg” Saltsburg, Deming-Based Candidate for...
I have a very special guest today... it's a very spur of the moment podcast with L.A. mayoral candidate, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg. This...
A Deming Disciple as Candidate for L.A. Mayor?
L.A. Voters For Change: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate David Saltsburg (Zuma Dogg) Answers Questions For Daily News
I won't pretend to understand Los Angeles politics...
Lean Thoughts: Feb 12
Not Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts" ... more like Larry King's old USA Today column... it's Lean Thoughts for Feb 12, 2009... the byproduct of...
WWII Propaganda Posters for Employee Ideas
Browse Posters - George Marshall Foundation
I love old WWII Posters, particularly the production posters aimed at helping the war effort. As much as Dr....
Great Piece on the Failings of Incentives
Why Incentives Are Effective, Irresistible, and Almost Certain to Backfire | Fast CompanyJust about when I start thinking "Is Fast Company magazine relevant anymore,...
Yes, We Can… but by What Method?
TRANSCRIPT: Obama's Inaugural Address:I guess this is a "mashup" of sorts... between Dr. W. Edwards Deming and President Obama...The President said yesterday, in his...
Author Interview with Alfie Kohn, “Punished by Rewards”
My guest for LeanBlog Podcast #57 is Alfie Kohn, an author and lecturer in the fields of education, parenting, and human behavior. His books...
Why Was Everyone So Miserable Today?
I recall reading Dr. Deming talking about how people should be able to enjoy their work. I know for certain I've heard Norman Bodek talk about it in speeches and my podcasts. Norman loves to ask why people never say "Thank God It's Monday!!!!!"
"Educators" Don’t Learn that Pay for Grades is Harmful
Pay for Grades? - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-RegisterFlying in and out of Chicago, I've been reading over the past few months about...