Tag: Deming
Bad News Not Flowing Up at Boeing?
Tomorrow's blog post today... not that anyone will be reading anything non-Michael Jackson related. RIP. A modern tidbit... I learned about the news via...
LeanBlog Podcast #68 – Ben Harrison, Lean from CEO Perspective
Podcast #68 is a discussion with Benjamin G. Harrison, President & CEO of Kaysun, a privately-held manufacturer that, for over 60 years, has designed...
"Worst Mistake" This Restauranteur Ever Made
Bonnell's Fine Texas Cuisine is an outstanding local restaurant in Fort Worth TX that focuses on local food and wild game. Chef...
Updated: Cutting Health Care Costs? By What Method??
Health-Care Providers Pledge to Try to Curb Costs - WSJ.com
Industry reps offer $2 trillion in health savings
You've likely seen headlines today about a meeting...
Upcoming Lean Conferences and Webinars
Here are a few upcoming events to mention:
Webinar with Mike Micklewright as Dr. Deming
Free Webinar with Dr. Sami Bahri, "The World's First Lean Dentist"
Leadership Thoughts from Late Great Detroit Pistons
NBA, Olympic coach Chuck Daly dies at 78
I grew up outside of Detroit during the Detroit Pistons "Bad Boys" era so I spent a...
The Real Dr. Deming – "Prophet Unheard" Video
If you're not familiar with Dr. W. Edwards Deming, check out this 30 minute special, put on YouTube in three pieces. Look at the...
Hey, Reuters, Six Sigma Did Not Start at Toyota!
ANALYSIS - Six Sigma mystique takes beating in downturn | Motoring | Reuters
Thanks to a former Toyota employee (and friend of mine) for sending...
Bad Times? Don’t Blame!
Management Tip of the Day :: April 15, 2009 :: HarvardBusiness.orgIt's nice to see HBR, for once, spreading the message of Dr. Deming. If...
Japan’s CEO Aren’t Greedy Villains
In Japan, more CEOs share the pain of tough times - USATODAY.comThe USA Today, whether they're trying or not, is doing a good job...
Standardized Work Should Not be Robotic – Especially in Healthcare
Why 'Quality' Care Is Dangerous - WSJ.com
Yesterday's WSJ opinion piece by Dr. Jerome Goopman (author of How Doctors Think) and Pamela Hartzband caught my...
A Parent Burned by Incentives, Microcosm of Finance and Society?
Family Business - WSJ.comIn today's WSJ, there's a review of a new book called Parentonomics: An Economist Dad Looks at Parenting, in the mold...