Tag: Deming

"McDreamy" Fights the Blame Game on "Grey’s Anatomy"

Grey's Anatomy : I Saw What I Saw I'm not normally a Grey's Anatomy watcher (yeah, right, some of you might say... but I'm not)....

Hotels Give “Lean” a Bad Name??

Housekeepers' Giant "Hope Quilt" Puts Hotel Job Injuries in Spotlight | Labor Notes Articles like this are incredibly frustrating to see. It makes me think...

Change from Inside or Outside of the System

Last week, I tweeted a quote that's supposedly from Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I can only find one other online reference... does this sound...

Q&A with Adam Zak on Lean Leadership

BioTechnology Supply Chain Conference - interview with speaker Adam Zak | LeanConnectionsI'm reposting parts of this with permission of Adam Zak, a regular contributor...

A Bullying Boss Leads to Financial Meltdown?

Michael Lewis on A.I.G. | vanityfair.comI've been a big fan of Michael Lewis and his writing since reading "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an...

Former Lehman CEO Blames His Former Employees, but so do Some...

From Lehman's Wreckage, New Lives - WSJ.com:Disgraced Lehman CEO Dick Fuld says in this WSJ piece:"'I spent too much time out of the office...

Quality and Cost Always Go Together with Lean Thinking

This is an old story, from May, that I've meant to write about for a while. Peter Orszag, the Director of the Office of...

Shop Class as Soulcraft

By Andy Wagner: The New York Times recently published an essay by Matthew Crawford, based on his new book Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry...

Signs of Hope for Customer Focus in a Down Economy?

Companies Strive Harder to Please Customers - WSJ.comLean is a customer-focused business and organizational strategy. Many companies, unfortunately, use a downturn as an excuse...

Where Did I Start with Lean?

I love it when I have a chance to meet Lean Blog readers and Twitter followers in the "real world." In the past few...

Random Lean Thoughts – July 13

Today's blog post will be just a bunch of random thoughts. For one, I just got back from London last night after a whirlwind...

Bad News not Flowing Either Direction at GM?

Last week, I blogged about an episode where bad news wasn't flowing up in Boeing (or, it's part of a pattern). In my Sunday morning...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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