Tag: Deming

If You Had to Rebuild Your Workplace Tomorrow?

I've had the chance recently to re-watch some of The Deming Library DVDs, thanks to my friends at CC-M Productions (found at www.managementwisdom.com). I'm...

Top 10 Signs You’re In a Fear-Based Workplace

Dr. W. Edwards Deming always said we need to drive out fear from organizations, as point 8 of the 14 Points said: "Drive out fear,...

Survey: Dr. Deming’s Influence on Lean and on Your Organization?

Since I talk about Dr. Deming a lot, I thought I'd take a little survey and gauge your exposure to Dr. W. Edwards Deming: I...

Everett Clinic Video, Redux – The Need for SPC Thinking

Yesterday, my blog post featured a YouTube video that Everett Clinic was kind enough to share with the world, showing their Daily Huddle process...

How to Design Poor Service: Expect 100% Utilization of People or...

tl;dr: The blog post criticizes the focus on 100% utilization of resources in businesses like American Airlines and Verizon FIOS, arguing that it leads...

The Red Bead Game Applied to Medical Errors

A blog reader sent me a link to this UK news article -- really, it's a lesson in statistical literacy, so thanks to the...

Do You Know More Than a Hospital CEO About…

If you're a regular reader of my Lean Blog, you might know more about preventing Hospital Acquired Infections than many healthcare CEOs do, says...

Guest Post: Lean Starts at Home

Mark's Note: Here's part 3 of a series by our guest blogger, Andy Wagner - a series that started here. Many of us work in...

Guest Post: Lean Lessons from the Non Profit World

Mark's note: I consider myself very fortunate to have met Patrick Anderson during my journeys in the Lean world. Patrick is the executive director...

LeanBlog Podcast #92 – Mike Micklewright, Another Crisis

Episode #92 brings a returning guest, the always entertaining and thought-provoking Mike Micklewright. He is the author of a batch of two new books:...

Dr. Brent James at the Shingo Conference, Part 2 – His...

Last week, I published Part 1 of my notes about a breakfast talk by Dr. Brent James at the Shingo Prize Conference. https://www.leanblog.org/2010/05/notes-from-dr-brent-james-at-the-shingo-prize-part-1/ One of the...

Notes from Dr. Brent James Teaching at the Shingo Prize Conference...

At last week's Shingo Prize conference, I was very excited to meet Dr. Stephen Covey (my podcast is here), but I was just as...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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