Tag: Deming

Will Suggestion Boxes be a Trend in 2012? What Method(s) do...

I saw this article the other day on BusinessInsider.com: "10 Predictions For How The Workplace Will Change In 2012." Two of the predictions caught my...

Proof that 100% Inspection is Knot 100% Effectiv in Book Editing...

It's sometimes said (and I believe this to be true) that "100% inspection isn't 100% effective" (it seems like Dr. W. Edwards Deming might...

Dwight’s Doomsday Defect Prevention Device on “The Office”

On last Thursday's episode of The Office, Dwight Schrute  installed a software system that he called an "accountability booster," aka the "doomsday device," as...

Lean Healthcare featured on PBS Nightly Business Report

Friday night's PBS program the Nightly Business Report had a nice feature on the use of Lean at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downer's Grove,...

Good News, Bad News on GM Doubling ‘Volt’ Production

I don't often go back to write about GM, the first company I worked for out of college. Thanks to my dad who sent...

“Management By Walking Around” vs. “Gemba Walks”

It's important not to confuse a proper Lean "gemba walk" with the idea of "management by walking around" (MBWA).  What did the late, great...

“Healthcare Kaizen” Book Update – The Manuscript is Submitted!

It's a project that my co-author, Joe Swartz, and I have been working on all year... the manuscript is finally complete and sent (as...

ThedaCare’s CEO: “The Goal is Zero – The Target is Improvement”

On his blog, John Toussaint shared this letter from ThedaCare CEO Dean Gruner to all employees. Toussaint said the letter is inspired by Paul...

Upcoming Podcast Interview with former GM Exec Bob Lutz

As someone who started his career in the auto industry, I'm excited to be interviewing a modern auto-industry legend on Friday for an upcoming...

Build, Measure, Learn – in Startups, Healthcare, and Careers

One reason I love applying Lean thinking in new arenas as my career progresses is that each shift in industry leads to new challenges...

A Great Poster in a Lean Hospital Lab – Asking Why

As a student of Dr. W. Edwards Deming's books and teachings, I'm not a big fan of slogans and posters in the workplace. Last week,...

Stopping the Blame Game – Great Article from HBR

This one got stuck in the "stuff to blog about" pile for a few months, but HBR published a gem of an article called...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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