Tag: Deming

Announcing Baby Kaizen

No, this is not a program of Kaizen, or continuous  improvement, for babies. Babies naturally grow, try new things, and gain new capabilities. But,...

Start the New Year with “The Spirit of Kaizen” (Small Baby...

As we enter the new year, it's a great time to reflect back on 2012 - what worked and what didn't work... what do...

Japan Tour Reflections: Taking Home Lean Artifacts or Lean Thinking?

Reflecting more on my recent Japan tour (see previous posts) one word came up in my notes: artifacts. One dictionary definition of that term is...

A Panel of Early Lean Lab Innovators

This week, I was able to drop by the annual Lab Quality Confab event since it was being held in here in San Antonio....

Learning Jazz (and Lean?): Imitate, Integrate, Innovate

Although I don't get to play much anymore, I used to be a pretty serious drummer (I almost said "musician," but that invites jokes...

Guest Post: Reports of Kaizen’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated

Mark's note: Today's vacation post is from my good friend Dan Markovitz, who normally blogs here.  Listen to my podcasts with him here...

Weekend Fun: LeanMemes.com #LeanMeme Contest Winners

When I kicked off the "Lean Memes" contest last month, I had no idea what I was starting... I figured I'd get a handful...

“L.A.M.E.” in the News; These Three Articles Get Lean Wrong

As the creator of the admittedly awkward L.A.M.E. acronym (meaning Lean As Mistakenly Explained or Lean As Misguidedly Executed), one burden is that I...

Two Blog Posts About “Healthcare Kaizen”

Here are two blog posts that my co-author, Joe Swartz, and I were very happy to see about our book Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line...

Labor Day Reflections for a Safer Week (and Years) Ahead

I didn't have a post yesterday because it was the Labor Day holiday here in the U.S. While I'm not a "worker," in the...

Paul O’Neill Talks ThedaCare, Lean Healthcare on CNBC

Here is about five minutes of video (no longer available, sadly) of Paul O'Neill (former CEO of Alcoa and former Treasury Secretary) talking about...

Looking Back – What Dr. Deming Taught the Japanese

Last week, I had a chance to see one of the "Deming Library" videos (on loan to me by Claire Crawford-Mason). BTW, I'll be...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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