Tag: Deming
Some Highlights from Last Week’s “Kaizen Live” Event at Franciscan St....
Last Wednesday and Thursday, I collaborated with Joe Swartz and a countless number of his colleagues to host 24 visitors from different health systems (and...
Throwback Thursday: Dr. Deming’s Last Interview & Jack Welch’s Thoughts on...
To the left is a young baby me. I don't think I was thinking about Dr. Deming as a baby, but thankfully my parents...
Why Would These Workplace Slogans Be Offensive to Employees?
Reminder: I'm doing a webinar today with Dr. Greg Jacobson, CEO of KaiNexus, titled "How To Spread Continuous Improvement" and I hope you'll join...
The One Thing Lean Six Sigma Got Wrong About Lean?
Mark's Note: Today's post is by Erwin van der Koogh, who comes to us from Australia. The thoughts and opinions here are his, although...
14 things this crazy old man told me about management are...
View the post that inspired this "listicle."
Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to...
This Chart Shows My “Kaizen Kickoff” Boosted This Hospital’s Improvement Culture
I recently wrote a blog post for KaiNexus titled "How Kaizen Software Helps Me Be A Better Coach." I've done a lot of Kaizen...
Throwback Thursday: Creating the New American Hospital [Book]
Today's Throwback Thursday is a look back at a 1993 book that I purchased in 2011 on somebody's recommendation. It was probably one of...
Please Help with Research Topics – Understanding Variation & Reducing Blame
OK, so it's not the kind of scientific research that involves lab coats and microscopes, but I'm doing some research that I'd like your...
Why Kaizen is an Important Differentiator for Japanese Whisky
This article caught my attention the other day, primarily because I like scotch, whisky (and whiskey and bourbon). The Japanese love scotch whisky and...
A Story About a Hospital Putting Safety First Over Patient Satisfaction
In yesterday's blog post ("Safety is always our top priority" - From lip service to daily practice?"), I challenged hospital leaders to back up...
The Patriots, Coach Belichick, Aspects of Lean Thinking, and Dr. Deming
Earlier this month, for the College Football Playoff championship game, I wrote about "Lessons from the Football Coaching and Leadership Styles of the Oregon...
Tweets & Notes from a Patient Safety Conference
Today and tomorrow, I'm attending the "Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit" in Irvine, California, as part of my role as a board member for the Louise...