Tag: Deming

Mr. Burns From the Simpsons is, No Surprise, a Safety Hypocrite

We can probably all use a mid-week chuckle... I used to be a die hard fan of The Simpsons. I've drifted away from watching...

Lean Would Be a Solution for What These Nurses Complain About

In my time working with hospitals, I've always been very sympathetic to front-line nurses (and other staff). They are far too often overburdened and...

Ask This Question (Not This One) When Trying to Improve a...

As I've done before (and written about), I'll be facilitating the famed "Deming Red Bead Experiment" on Thursday at the Society for Health Systems...

“Practicing Lean” Excerpt – Lessons from Japan

I've recently updated the eBook Practicing Lean to include a new ninth chapter, submitted by Samuel Selay. Other new chapters are by David Haigh, from Canada, and...

It might be too late to get “Buy In” by the...

Another question I get thrown at me very often is something along the lines of “How do we get more buy in for ______” with that space being filled with Lean, Kaizen, 5S, using the EMR system, improvement, or any number of terms. If you do a Google search for Lean “lack of buy in”...

Throwback Thursday: Various Posts from February 4th, Across 11 Years

My blog turned 11 years old last month. Thanks to everyone for reading! I looked back, as a Throwback Thursday, and found a number of really good posts that were published on this date...

The Shared Interests & Goals of Lean and the Patient Safety...

Later today and tomorrow, I'll be attending the annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit that's produced by a non-profit called the Patient...

Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 1: Alignment & Visual Management

Back in November, I had a chance to meet Nate Hurle, from Cleveland Clinic, as he was giving a presentation about their work with...

Debunking Criticisms of Lean and Taylorism in Healthcare: A Response to...

In the article posted today, Pamela Hartzband, M.D., and Jerome Groopman, M.D. (the later the author of the popular book How Doctors Think), rant about all sorts of things… some of which have nothing to do with Lean...

Wise Words from Mark Twain on Continuous Improvement and Perfection

A hat tip goes to Brian Buck for sharing this quote via email recently. Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, was a pithy and wise man. I didn't remember this quote, but it is attributed to him. It's very appropriate for the type of work we do...

Podcast #238 – Kevin Cahill, on his Grandfather, W. Edwards Deming

Episode #238 is a conversation with somebody I’ve wanted to talk with for a long time, Kevin Cahill. He is the executive director of the W. Edwards Deming Institute. He’s also a grandson of Dr. Deming! ...

Dr. Don Berwick is “Stunned” By How Few Organizations Study Deming

One of the first people in healthcare to be influenced by Deming’s work is Dr. Don Berwick, founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (at right in that picture). Berwick wrote about Deming’s ideas back in...
Special $2.99 Kindle Price - "The Mistakes That Make Us"Buy Now
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