Tag: DC Lean Tour

A Washington DC Lean Tour, Part 5 – Camden Yards, Early...

I got sidetracked from the DC lean tour. I'll wrap it up with this installment. The tour starts here, with Part 1.  See all...

A Washington DC Lean Tour: Part 4 — Early Manufacturing

Continuing on the tour (click here for previous stops), we step back into the National Museum of American History, where they had some fantastic...

A Washington DC Lean Tour: Part 3 — FDR

Here is part #3 of our DC lean tour, having already visited the National Museum of American History. I already have one Presidential quote...

A Washington DC Lean Tour: Part 2 – Useful Manufactures

Here's stop #2 on the tour, just having come from the Julia Child "Lean" Kitchen... Still at the National Museum of American History, there is...

A Washington DC Lean Tour, Part 1: Julia Child’s Lean Kitchen

Over Memorial Day weekend, my wife and I visited Baltimore and Washington DC. As much as I try to "turn off" that lean part...
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