Tag: Dan_Pink
Guest Post: The Chain of Improvement
Mark's note: Today's guest post is from Dr. Mark Jaben. I first met Mark in person at Cindy Jimmerson's Lean Healthcare West conference in...
Stopping the Blame Game – Great Article from HBR
This one got stuck in the "stuff to blog about" pile for a few months, but HBR published a gem of an article called...
Author Interview with UCLA Professor Samuel A. Culbert, “Get Rid of...
Episode #117 is a conversation with Prof. Samuel A. Culbert of the UCLA Anderson School of Management.
Along with Daniel Pink, he is a...
Does Setting a Goal for Number of Kaizens Violate “Kaizen Spirit”?
In discussions of "kaizen" (the Japanese word that is translated to "continuous improvement" or "change for the better"), I often hear of organizations talk...
Texas Snow Days Expose the Gaming of Standardized Tests
As you might have heard, considering all of the Super Bowl media hype from here in North Texas, our weather has been pretty bad....
So What If You Don’t Have Stats for Offensive Lineman?
It's Super Bowl week in the U.S., which is probably even obvious to many readers from outside of North America. As we watch the...
Individual NFL Player Incentives – Why Are They Necessary? Do They...
There was a really good discussion and story on the ESPN program "Sunday NFL Countdown" today about individual player incentive payments -- why are...
Daniel H. Pink Discusses the Intersection of Lean Methodology and Motivation...
Episode #107 is something I've been looking forward to for some time now - an interview with Dan Pink, the author of some outstanding...
BCG White Paper on Lean in Government and Public Services
I've written occasionally about Lean efforts in government (see a list of posts here). There are formal Lean government efforts at varying levels of...
Daniel Pink on Alternatives to Annual Reviews
I saw a nice article by author Daniel Pink (most recently the author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us) called "Think...
Economics: From “Dismal Science” to Dismal Home?
I nearly drove off the road when I heard this NPR story yesterday: "Allowance Economics: Candy, Taxes And Potty Training." Please take a listen...
What Makes You Want to Do Better?
Recently, I was able to visit VIBCO, a Lean manufacturing company in Rhode Island. Company President Karl Wadensten is the host of "The Lean...