Tag: Culture

Two Sentences That Don’t Help

I've blogged before about the "20 things supervisors shouldn't say."I'll throw out, for discussion, two phrases that are awful to hear in the context...

Lean is More than a Toolkit

I had a great conversation with a fellow healthcare lean thinker the other day. She shared my book, Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety,...

Eliminating Waste through Direct Communication

Eliminating He Said, She Said « Sharing thoughts, ideas and suggestions on hardwiring successI really like Quint Studer's books, not just for healthcare,...

Lean Cultures in the Top Small Workplaces

Top Small Workplaces 2008 - WSJ.comToday's WSJ was well worth the $2.00. Yes, I subscribe to the online Journal, but there's something nice about...

Lean Blog Podcast #40 – An Anonymous UAW Retiree Who is...

Listen: Here is LeanBlog Podcast #40, an interview with a retired UAW/GM employee who wishes to remain anonymous, at this point. We have traded many...

How a Non-Lean Culture Can Harm Patients

Sometimes people ask me, "how does Lean apply in a hospital?" The critical issues in a hospital are more often about culture and environment...

Can Hiding Mistakes Help Your Career in Some Companies?

Cubicle Culture - WSJ.com: Why Learn and Grow On the Job? It's Easier To Feign InfallibilityFree Version via CareerJournal.comIn the Lean / Toyota Way...

"Toyota Culture" is Out

Jeffrey Liker's new book on Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way is out. I'm getting a copy on Tuesday...

L.A.M.E.: Not Involving Key Stakeholders

Got this story during an email exchange, used with express permission:-----------------------------I saw my doctor yesterday and told him I was doing a lean publication,...

Do you "Embrace your Misses?"

Another great thought from David Mann this week was highlighting how a Lean culture will "embrace it's misses" rather than try to cover them...

Creating a Culture of Lean Continuous Improvement: A Conversation with David...

LeanBlog Podcast Episode #9 is a discussion with David Mann, the author of the excellent book Creating A Lean Culture: Tools To Sustain Lean...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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