Tag: Culture
Lean Cultures in the Top Small Workplaces
Top Small Workplaces 2008 - WSJ.comToday's WSJ was well worth the $2.00. Yes, I subscribe to the online Journal, but there's something nice about...
Lean Blog Podcast #40 – An Anonymous UAW Retiree Who is...
Here is LeanBlog Podcast #40, an interview with a retired UAW/GM employee who wishes to remain anonymous, at this point. We have traded many...
How a Non-Lean Culture Can Harm Patients
Sometimes people ask me, "how does Lean apply in a hospital?" The critical issues in a hospital are more often about culture and environment...
Can Hiding Mistakes Help Your Career in Some Companies?
Cubicle Culture - WSJ.com: Why Learn and Grow On the Job? It's Easier To Feign InfallibilityFree Version via CareerJournal.comIn the Lean / Toyota Way...
"Toyota Culture" is Out
Jeffrey Liker's new book on Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way is out. I'm getting a copy on Tuesday...
L.A.M.E.: Not Involving Key Stakeholders
Got this story during an email exchange, used with express permission:-----------------------------I saw my doctor yesterday and told him I was doing a lean publication,...
Do you "Embrace your Misses?"
Another great thought from David Mann this week was highlighting how a Lean culture will "embrace it's misses" rather than try to cover them...
Creating a Culture of Lean Continuous Improvement: A Conversation with David...
LeanBlog Podcast Episode #9 is a discussion with David Mann, the author of the excellent book Creating A Lean Culture: Tools To Sustain Lean...